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Summary of 22th Trial Hearing against the 25
by Imc Italia Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004 at 4:35 PM mail:

Summary of 22th Trial Hearing against the 25.

Before getting to the court it was difficult making a valuation of this hearing as the 5 witnesses (one of whom wasn't there) have not been identified by videos and photos. The only informations about where they were are also their service relations.
The first witness is Filippo Guglielmino at service for Police Force Office of Milan. The witness wants to give the impression of being a "man who says only the truth" and in fact one must admit, he's definitely very impressive! He tells mainly of facts of 21th July and above all of the charge in Corso Marconi/ Corso Italia / Punta Vagno (Genua Seafront): He tells of as they followed the orders, not charging and not asking for physical contacts, but trying breaking up the demonstrators with tear gasses and moving united. He admits, the police and in particular the "Guardia di Finanza" (Italian special military corps dealing with customs, excise and tax crimes) at one point got "confused" and used behaving with "unorthodox methods". It's anything but an euphemism to everyone who remembers the scenes on the seafront.
He delegates the decision to his senior up, Mr. Gaggiano, and confirms, the "confusion" happened at the expenses of peaceful demonstrators, woman and children, also if he cares for saying he tried to stop all of that. The witness will be very useful in the future for the Defence because he denigrates very much the valuation of the damages to the things, specifying as the situation was under control by the police (it's difficult also going on with the leitmotiv of devastation and plundering). He gets to cite an improbable police administrator who was supervising everything from an helicopter.
The second witness is an other police administrator, Raffaele Mascia, who commanded during on whole day 20 July a contingent of 100 Carabinieri, used for supporting other battalions, which actually didn't never meet any demonstrator. From his testimony important elements emerge: the throwing of stones from the flyover are much later than the charges of Mondelli and Bruno (as the reconstruction of the accusation wants for acquitting the behaviour of the 2 chiefs of police and Carabinieri); in Corso Gastaldi many people were injured.
The show peak in the hearing was the communication between Mascia and Pasquale Zazzaro, responsible of the operations centre, in which one hears the second one inciting the men of Mascia "to beat". It's just as well the orders were containing and supporting eventual interventions of other units!!
Third Witness: Francesco De Matteis. He's even not able to speak Italian and stays very distant from the most salient facts, but gives to the Defence an important weapon: he affirms in fact Gaggiano and Garau, who managed the contingents in Brignole, were waiting there for the demonstrators. He defines Piazza Verdi as the limit where the manifestation could have arrived.
This gives serious troubles to the reconstruction of the previous testimonies that nobody knew the demonstration was authorized up to Brignole. It lets a charge near Corso Torino to be totally inconsiderate.
Last Witness is a special divisions policeman, named Stefano Chirico, who usually on the streets uses to deal "very little" and distinguishes himself for being very bastard on fighting. In the courtroom he doesn't say much and admits to not have seen anyone from Milan on 21 July in the struggles of Tolemaide or Corso Italia.
In this episode Perugini is there. He and other his colleagues assault and hurt badly an underage from Ostia near Rome (this is an other trial in which a special corps policeman, De Rosa, has been condemned because of injuries for 20 months with summary procedure). He confirms what was seen in the videos, but one doesn't find in there any attack by the lads which could have justified the violent reaction of the police.
Final skirmish about the acquisitions as usual. The next trial hearing will be on 11 January.

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