Indymedia Italia

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al-Fallujah ora è una palla fiammeggiante di fuoco e fumo,
by Il corrispondente di Mafkarat al-Islam e test Friday, Jan. 07, 2005 at 2:54 PM mail:

riportano che al-Fallujah ora è una palla fiammeggiante di fuoco e fumo, dove non si può vedere nient'altro. Il paradiso all'ombra delle spade. Regole ed etica della jijad . Il prezzo della virtù.

The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam and eyewitnesses report that al-Fallujah now is a flaming ball of fire and smoke, where one can't see anything
His latest entitled, “al-Jannah fi Zilal as-Suyuf” "Paradise is in the shade of swords"
in which he outlined the ethics of the holy warrior and the Islamic rules and ethics of jihad.
He commented on the Prophet Muhammad’s battle plans, their meaning and implications
for contemporary warfare, and how the fighter in the path of God today can learn from them.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim Muhammad said shortly before the Battle of al-Fallujah,
"Paradise has exposed itself to you in all its beauty, so who will buy it with your lives?"

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