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I colloqui con la resistenza irakena? Sarà. Ma Baghdad rischia il collasso!
by uccialli Monday, Feb. 21, 2005 at 9:08 PM mail:

Gli attacchi della resistenza irakena alle infrastrutture sono sempre più sistematici, coordinati e ben condotti: una cosa mai vista. Baghdad rischia il collasso.

Sabotage in Baghdad appears systematic

Baghdad, Iraq - Attacks by insurgents to disrupt Baghdad's supplies of crude oil, gasoline, heating oil, water and electricity have reached a degree of coordination and sophistication not seen before, Iraqi and U.S. officials say.

The shadowy insurgency is a fractured movement made up of groups of Sunnis, Shiites and foreign fighters, some aligned and some not. But the shift in the attack patterns strongly suggests that some branch of the insurgency is carrying out a systematic plan to cripple Baghdad's ability to provide basic services and to prevent the fledgling government from operating.

A new analysis by some of those officials reveals that the choice of targets and the timing of attacks have evolved over the last several months, shifting from economic targets to what amounts to a siege of the capital.,1413,36~6439~2723646,00.html

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Anche gli Stati Uniti rischiano il collasso
by rivoluzionario Monday, Feb. 21, 2005 at 10:01 PM mail:

Che succederà agli USA se perdono la loro fonte di approvigionamento di petrolio, se vengono cacciati dall'Iraq?

Oltre ai loro, ben risaputi, problemi interni.

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