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L' Iraq non è il Vietnam. E' Peggio
by Dati alla Mano Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005 at 1:24 PM mail:

Dopo due anni di guerra del Vietnam il numero dei soldati Usa uccisi era meno di un quarto di quelli uccisi in Iraq.------al link del sito grafici e foto.

Iraq is Not Vietnam
Raed Jarrar, Raed in the Middle

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Do you know that the number of US soldiers killed in Vietnam in the first two years of the war was less than one fourth of the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq till now?

interesting, right?

Do you want to take a look on the future?
here we go...:

I found this other interesting piece of news on one of the mainstream media sites. The most interesting part of the news is that I actually agree with it!
well, partially at least.

The news is about the following picture with the comment underneath:

General Mohamed Faik Raouf holds his Kalashnikov rifle on patrol in Baghdad's Haifa street district. Raouf likes to boast that he shot down an American fighter jet over Baghdad in the 1991 Gulf War. It is on men like him that the United States is now pinning its hopes for a speedy withdrawal of its troops from Iraq <
_wl_me_afp/050227161629_mnnppt34_photo0 >.

The only part I don't agree with is that the US should "pin its hopes for a speedy withdrawal" on the guys like the one in this picture. Other men still shooting down fighters and destroying tanks <
ankhighway.wmv > will probably have a bigger role in the "speedy withdrawal".

Funny, but mean.

The Fun Fact(s) of The Day

1) USA Today reported some noteworthy figures from the war on tortilla <
q-injuries_x.htm >:

Of more than 5 million veterans treated at VA facilities last from counseling centers like this one to big hospitals, 48,733 were from the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

2) The Official DoD's figures of US casualties in Iraq is 1,499.

It's important to mention that DoD's figures do not include hundreds of "non-combat" fatalities.

Posted by: Raed Jarrar

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la differenza e'...
by santerre Thursday, Mar. 03, 2005 at 7:57 PM mail:

che gli yanks hanno imparato la lezione e tengono il dissenso per le palle. date un'occhiata a come e' cambiata ultimamente Hanno paura!
il grande pagliaccio e' come se non peggio di hitler

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