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il primo martire dell'ISM
by francesca Sunday, Sep. 22, 2002 at 10:44 PM mail:

uccisione di un volontario dell'International Solidarity Movement

Press Release from the International Solidarity Movenment

[Sunday September 22, 2002, Balata Refugee Camp, West Bank]

Baha Al-Bahsh the first ISM Martyr in Balata Refugee Camp

In the Balata Refugee Camp today a rally against the Israeli
occupation which was also fueled by last nights raid against
Arafat's office in Ramallah by the Israeli Occupation Force turned what was a peaceful event headed by Six internationals and local refugee residents into funeral procession.

At approximately 12:30 pm on Sunday September 22, 2002 ISM
international activists were marching in the camp joined by local refugee residents and local ISMers marched towards the well known old building of the Balata Refugee Camp. AS the protest proceeded towards the old building an APC headed towards the protestors and shot twice directly into the crowd of people. One bullet took the life of a local 14 year old ISM Balata volunteer Baha' Al-Bahsh, and at 3:30 pm locals led his funeral procession to his burial site.

Baha' was a nonviolent peace activist who helped ISMers since a long time. Israel has killed him like many others with a cold blood. We condemn the killing of Baha' by the Israeli Occupation forces and call upon all the Peace movements and the Human Rights organizations to support the Palestinian people to stop the Israeli aggression and the violation of human rights. The Israeli Army has passed all the limits of morality and has proven day by day that it is an army of
murderers, led by a butcher called Areil Sharon who is a prime minister to a state that is fully supported by the USA that claims that it will eliminate terrorism from the world at the time they are feeding it through supporting Israel.

for more information please call:
Saif Abu Keshek 059-335271 (ISM local volunteer)
George N. Rishmawi 052-299310 / 054-351339

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attenzione alle parole!
by porzia Monday, Sep. 23, 2002 at 7:43 PM mail: xxx

stiamo attent* alle parole, a quello che significano, a quali contesti ci rimandano. i "martiri" sono altri.

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