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ancora manifestazioni contro la guerra in Iraq negli USA
by cri Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002 at 12:50 PM mail:

Groups Protest Iraq War Plans By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Groups Protest Iraq War Plans

Filed at 2:03 a.m. ET

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Chanting ``no more war,'' an estimated 5,000 people rallied in the city's downtown Saturday against possible U.S. military attacks on Iraq, one of a number of such protests planned across the nation this weekend.

In Texas, the chant by hundreds who flocked to the state capitol was ``No more blood for oil.'' In Manchester, N.H., about 50 demonstrators protested outside as President Bush stumped for Senate candidate John Sununu.

Bush did not mention the protests, but reiterated his stance that the United States must disarm Iraq to protect American lives.

All the rallies were apparently peaceful. Organizers -- their effort centered on a Web site called ``Not in Our Name'' -- hoped to spark protests in at least two dozen cities Saturday and Sunday.

In Portland, first-time protesters joined veteran pacifists for the march. They chanted, banged on drums and clapped their hands.

``My co-workers were talking to me about this and it is something I believe in,'' said Cris Jackson, an office manager who has never attended a rally before. ``Maybe it will spread awareness that not all of America is behind Bush.''

She waved her hand over the crowd: ``They aren't, and I'm not either.''

In Texas, protesters carried signs saying ``Free the Press'' and ``Stop the Bombs.'' Austin police reported no arrests.

``Yes we are here, and yes we are angry, and yes we will not stop mobilizing,'' Green Party gubernatorial candidate Rahul Mahajan told the crowd. ``We will not stop yelling until this war is avoided.''

Across the street, a small group waved American flags in opposition to the protesters.

``I'd rather settle this peacefully, but if war is needed to protect our people, protect our land, then we need to take that action,'' said David Armstrong, 36, of Austin.

In St. Louis, an anti-war vigil on Friday at the office of Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., the House minority leader, ended with the arrest of a woman who refused to leave the office when it closed.

Protesters said they intended to resume the vigil Monday.

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