Indymedia Italia

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by REBOC Friday, Dec. 09, 2005 at 8:52 AM mail:

ancora un contributo di questononeunsito

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Video: "murdered Coca-Cola unionists in Colombia"
by kanalb Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2006 at 1:19 AM mail:

each year around 100 unionists are killed in Colombia. transnational corporations like Coca-Cola and Nestlé play an important role. in order to show this, we investigated one exemplary case:
on December 5th 1996, paramilitaries entered a Coca-Cola bottling-site and killed Isidro Gil. in succession, the paramiliaries forced the complete workforce to resign from the union.
the film reconstructs this case in detail and embeds it in the younger history of the region Urabá, a region in the north-eastern part of Colombia. after that, the video draws back to Germany with the question if there is, or is not, enough international solidarity between unionists.

team: baerbel schoenafinger/bernhard kratz/jorge pavez/volker moritz u.a.
language: english | length: 50 min | size: 78 MB | date: 2005-02-10
video-hits: 689

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