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Skype e' insicuro
by non ti fidare di skype Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006 at 11:53 AM mail:

Skype non solo e' rintracciabile, ma di tutte le netcompany e' quella che piu' facilmente accoglie richieste di informazioni... per non parlare del fatto che in cina censura le parole scomode! non vi fidate di skype.

Nailed by Skype
Now Playing: normally, cats of this ilk get nailed by cellphone

Fugitive CEO tracked down to Sri Lanka after Skype call
Ceylon so long
By John Leyden
Published Friday 25th August 2006 15:12 GMT

A hi-tech chief executive turned fugitive has been tracked down in Sri Lanka by a private investigator after 10 days on the lam.

Jacob "Kobi" Alexander, 54, faces fraud charges over a stock options scandal involving the voicemail software firm he founded, Comverse.

According to Israeli reports, Alexander was tracked down after a one-minute call made using the Skype IP Telephony service betrayed his presence in Sri Lanka to intelligence agencies. Following the call, made in the nation's capital Columbo, a gum-shoe tracked him down to a villa in the town of Negombo.

As previously reported, Alexander (who holds dual American-Israeli citizenship) became the target of a worldwide manhunt after he failed to answer securities fraud charges. Two of his former colleagues - former Comverse CFO David Kreinberg and former general counsel William F Sorin - were released on bail after being charged with conspiracy to commit securities fraud and wire fraud offences earlier this month.

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