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Daily Harassment and humiliation
by Saif Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002 at 4:41 PM mail:

Internationals have been at the Amman street checkpoint in Nablus since 7 a.m. this morning

Daily Harassment and humiliation

For Immediate Release
International Solidarity Movement

[Amman Street checkpoint, Nablus] November 27, 2002
Internationals have been at the Amman street checkpoint in Nablus
since 7 a.m. this morning. Nablus is under curfew today and this
checkpoint, created by a tank and apc, divides the city into two
parts, east and west, and is particularly problematic. The checkpoint
must be passed by hundreds of civilians as they try to go between the
refugee camps and the city to buy food, to get medicine, and to get
to school. The military faces the civilian population each morning
with varying degrees of aggression and force. The large majority of
the people attempting to pass are young students trying to get to
school; there are also vegetable trucks, emergency and UN vehicles
and school buses. All of these people are denied freedom of movement
and the very basic right to education.

This morning Internationals witnessed as soldiers on foot literally
chased students approaching the checkpoint with their M-16's.
Soldiers refused to dialogue with Internationals and even told one
International to get out of the area and to "not even try to pass
with the students." One jeep confiscated the ID's of over 30 people,
most of who are teachers; the jeep has left these people waiting for
2 hours now. There are also currently 15 men being made to stand
with their faces to a wall because, according to the soldiers, "they
fit the description of a terrorist."

For more information call Internationals at the checkpoint:
Siama +97259886752
Kerry +97267572952

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