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Social forum asia: corp watch india
by asia Wednesday, Jan. 08, 2003 at 1:43 PM mail:

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Asian Social Forum 2003

Source: World Social Forum-India
Posted: June 28, 2002

Another World is Possible!
Another Asia is Possible!
Let's Build It !

Building Another World

World Social Forum India invites you to join the process of conceiving and constructing Asian alternatives to globalisation

People's movements across the world are working to identify and demonstrate that the path to sustainable development and social and economic justice does not lie in neo-liberal globalisation but in alternative models for people-centred and self-reliant progress.

In 2001 and 2002, the World Social Forum process has explored and proposed such alternatives, and questioned the rules of governance and investment being set by the World Economic Forum. The people's argument is that Another World IS Possible. It is an argument based on both vision and reality.

The World Social Forum developed as a response of the growing international movement toquestioning the neo-liberal economic policies being pursued in most countries and capitalist- led globalisation. As the clock moves towards the 3rd international gathering of the 2003 World Social Forum at Porto Alegre in Brazil, WSF-India invites you to the city of Hyderabad, to take leadership in dialogue, discourse and design to formulate an Asian blueprint for building another world a plural, just, responsible and shared world which accords equal dignity and rights to all its people.

Asian Social Forum 2003
2-7 January 2003, in Hyderabad, India

About the Asia Social Forum 2003

The Asia Social Forum is convened in expression of the WSF principle of offering space for free discourse, debate, interaction and discovery, of inviting the participation of a rich diversity of mass organisations, people's movements, citizens' bodies and groups to join in the process of mutual learning, informed debate, and participatory formulation of alternative models with the worth and viability to address the challenges of development with justice.

In full accord with the charter and principles of the World Social Forum, and as part of the world process, the Asia Social Forum questions the validity of the globalisation and neo-liberalisation formula being propounded and pursued by the world powers and financial institutions, and annually endorsed by the World Economic Forum. It perceives the current form of globalisation as the imperialism of today, and the privatisation of development as an unwarranted and unjustifiable shift of world purpose from public good and inclusive public benefit to private profit and selective and exclusive gain. It stands for models that safeguard the security of the livelihoods of the common people, not those that aggravate impoverishment and marginalisation.

Perhaps models and lifestyles from the Southbased on principles of sharing and equity, can provide alternative to those based on affluence and waste.

The Asia Social Forum 2003 offers the opportunity to seek answers, and to find common ground.

The Forum Focus

As the economic space of nation states is invaded by predatory multi-national corporations, it is accompanied not only by mounting disparities and loss of livelihoods, but by growing sectarian and ethnic strife. The rapid flow of capital in and out of countries is leaving in its wake fractured communities. It is redefining nations in narrow and exclusionary terms, distorting the validity and worth of sovereignty and self-reliance, and sharpening racial, ethnic, religious and caste divides. The neo-liberal assault is not restricted to the agricultural, industrial and financial sectors of the third world countries, but is also damaging the traditional artisan sector the mainstay of so many people in these countries. Indigenous people and tribal communities and others outside the development process are losing all control over their natural resources and their own small economies and are being completely pauperised. There is need for an alternative vision of hope, different to this barren neo-liberal landscape of greed and profit built on the destruction of people, communities and nations. These are some of the themes and concerns that the Asia Social Forum 2003 will seek to address.

Generating Processes of Interaction

The World Social Forum is not a calendar of events, but a process and a journey. WSF-India sees the process of communication, interaction, exchange, the encounter of ideas and experiences, the discovery of common concerns and of connections to be as important as organising the event. The Asia Social Forum 2003 is a milestone in that journey. These processes, in the WSF spirit, would be open, inclusive and flexible, and designed to build the interest and energies of local groups and movements.

The Asia Social Forum 2003 will focus not only on the impact but also the processes of neo-liberal globalisation that is creating a small global, over-class' and vast increasingly marginalised and vulnerable under-class in every country. Every part of the process seeks to draw out people's perceptions regarding the impact of neo-liberal economic policies and their attendant divisiveness on their daily lives. Local forms and idioms will inform the language of resistance and the formulation of alternatives. A large number of activities and events are planned, and others foreseen, as valuable contributions to the overall output of the WSF process worldwide. The gathering in Hyderabad holds promise for the region as a prelude to the next World Social Forum assembling in Porto Alegre at the end of January.

Connecting Across Asia

Asia's own diversity and spread invites and demands interaction and connections across the continent. The Asia Social Forum 2003 proposes and seeks participation from all the many Asian sub-regions so that the process builds and yields a rich exchange bringing together Central Asia, West Asia/Middle East, South Asia, North Asia, South-East Asia, and reaching out to the Pacific.

The variety of Asian cultures, faiths and traditions provides to the process a rich resource to explore. Confronting the current climate in which diversity of identity and character are sought to be exploited to divide and weaken this tapestry, the Asia Social Forum 2003 and regional WSF initiatives will feature dialogue and interchange to rediscover the positive potential of this Asian heritage to renew the possibilities of respect for diversity, sustainability, and peaceful coexistence.

Joining the Asia Social Forum 2003
Building Another World

Key themes

Design your own process and event !

Space will be on offer for a range of activities you can plan:

Conferences (for upto 1000 participants)
Seminars (for upto 250 participants)
Workshops (for 25 to 50 participants)
Jan Sabha/People's Assemblies (spaces for people's parliaments)
Lok Manch/ Folk plazas (open forums for hearings)
People's Stage (spaces for creative portrayal discourse and expression)
Space is limited. Please contact us soon to book the space and facilities you need.

Remember, the dates are: 2-7 January 2003.

Registration is already open. Contact WSF-India for details.

All participating networks and organisations must arrange to cover costs of their own travel and local stay, and to pay basic costs of Forum facilities. Facilities on offer: Conference halls, meeting rooms, open forum space; translation and on site interpretation (limited languages, please enquire); display and exhibit space; audio-visual and photocopying services, limited internet facilities (Please enquire on rates).

WSF-India can also assist with information and logistics support services on travel and accommodation requests.

For all enquiries, please contact:

Mailing address:
WSF-India Secretariat,
Basement, Working Women's Hostel YWA,
Hostel No.2
G-Block, Saket,
New Delhi 110017, India
Tel: + 91 11 6569943
Fax: 91 11 6569977
Contact persons: Prabir Purkayastha/Vijay Pratap/Razia Ismail Abbasi/ Meena Menon.

CorpWatch India
PO Box 29344
San Francisco, CA 94129 USA
Tel: 415-561-6472 Fax: 415-561-6493
CorpWatch India is a project of CorpWatch -- "Holding corporations accountable locally and globally"

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