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New Zeland. disobbedienti irrompono in ambasciata USA per cercare armi: 23 arresti
by sally Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003 at 5:52 PM mail:

anche in Italia dopo il 15 febbraio ispezioni degli osservatori della societa' civile dentro ambasciate e basi NATO.


I PACIFISTI TENTAVANO DI ENTRARE NELL'AMBASCIATA USA Wellington, 2 feb. (Adnkronos/Dpa)- Ventitre' persone sono state arrestate a Wellington, Nuova Zelanda, nel corso di una manifestazione pacifista contro la possibile guerra in Iraq. I manifestanti, circa 250, avevano organizzato una marcia dal Parlamento alla sede dell'ambasciata americana, ed alcuni di loro hanno tentato di entrare nella sede diplomatica per ''cercare le armi di distruzioni di massa in possesso degli Stati Uniti''. Un gesto teatrale per cui sono stati arrestati con l'accusa di disordini e resistenza alla forza pubblica.

Wrestling people to the ground before dragging them away was unnecessary and provocative. The police showed an astonishing ability to turn a quite light-hearted protest into a confrontation.

Press Release For immediate release 3.30pm Sunday, February 2nd

Activists say many arrests at US embassy avoidable

Activists say police over reaction led to more than 20 people being arrested at an anti-war demonstration at the United States Embassy in Wellington today.

"Police demonstrated a complete inability to deal with symbolic, non-violent protest in a professional manner," said Sam Buchanan of the Weapons Inspection Arrestees Legal Support Group, an ad hoc group set up to provide legal and financial help to those arrested at the demonstration.

"Wrestling people to the ground before dragging them away was unnecessary and provocative. The police showed an astonishing ability to turn a quite light-hearted protest into a confrontation."

"Had the police acted in a more restrained manner many of these arrests could have been avoided," Mr Buchanan said.

Peace activists were making a theatrical 'inspection' of the US embassy, saying they wanted to ensure the US was not keeping any of its weapons of mass destruction on the premises. A small group of activists were arrested when they moved towards the embassy fence after claiming they need to enter the compound to check for weapons.

About 150 people took part in the demonstration.

For more information contact:

New Zealand Citizen Weapon Inspection Team
Phone (04) 385-6728

More than 20 anti-war protesters have been arrested outside the United States Embassy in Wellington after police turned violent and attacked protesters.

some people have been released, there were at least 23 arrests, as far as we
know at the moment. 18 men were in the cells, and about four women

Protesters Arrested At US Embassy

More than 20 anti-war protesters have been arrested outside the United States Embassy in Wellington after police turned violent and attacked protesters.

A group of around 150 protesters marched on the embassy and announced they wanted to enter the embassy to look for weapons of mass destruction.

Several protesters attempted to scale the embassy fence. Police threw them to the ground and assualted several protesters.

The protesters allegedly tried to block the police van from leaving the scene. Mean while more arrests were made around the fences of the embassy. Police then singled out media spokespersons and photographers for arrest.

The estimated total number of arrests is 23 we think, mostly for disorderly behaviour, resisting arrest obstruction and all those other charges that police use against people who havent actually broken the law.

No word on whether the police are investigating anyone at the embassy for conspiracy to committ mass murder...

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