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Pacifisti espulsi il 28 marzo
by iraq peace team Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 at 2:59 PM mail:

Un gruppo di pacifisti espulsi dall'Iraq il 28 marzo, hanno cercato di ragiungere il confine giordano in auto. A causa di un incidente (le cui cause sono ancora da chiarire) sono rimasti fermi. Soccorsi da una macchina di civili, hanno raggiunto Rutba, una città, che pur non avendo obbiettivi militari, è stata distrutta tre giorni fa.
Se qualcuno vuole contribuire, può tradurre il testo (anche in piccole parti) e aggiungerlo nei commenti a questo post.

Expelled Peaceteam members in car accident near border with Jordan

Doug Hostetter, Christian Peacemaker Team

30 March 2003

Amman Jordan -- A three vehicles convoy started out early Saturday morning (29 March 2003) heading for the Amman Jordan on the road that runs through the Western Iraqi desert from Baghdad to the Jordanian border.

The group included Iraqi drivers for each vehicle, 8 Americans and an Irishman from Christian Peacemakers Teams and Voices in the Wilderness, two Japanese reporters and a Korean peace activist.

As the group headed west in the early morning light, there was ample evidence of the effects of US/British bombing. There were the downed bridges, the destroyed gas stations, and the blackened shells of destroyed military and civilian vehicles by the side of the road. US and British planes could be seen in the skies, and were actively engaged in bombing near the road so the drivers decided spread their vehicles apart and travel at maximum speed so as to minimize the likelihood of their becoming "collateral damage" in this war.

The last of the vehicles carried three Christian Peacemaker Team Members: Weldon Nisly, Seattle Washington, Kara Speltz, Oakland, CA and, Cliff Kindy of CPT staff in Ohio, along with Shane Claiborne, Philadelphia, PA who was in Iraq with the Voices in the Wilderness Iraqi Peace Team.

They were a few hours from the Jordanian border traveling at about 80 miles per hour when a tire blew, causing the diver to lose control. The vehicle left the road and landed on its side at the bottom of a 10 foot ditch. The driver thought that the wheel had been shot by a nearby Allied plane, but the team thinks it was just as likely that the tire was destroyed by shrapnel or debris on the road from earlier Allied strikes.

They were able to open the doors on the top side of the vehicle and eventually were able to pull everyone out. Everyone was bruised, badly shaken, but all were conscious though it was clear that Weldon was badly injured, and Cliff was bleeding badly from a large gash in his head. The car was totaled, and the other two cars in the convoy were well out of sight down the road toward the Jordanian border and no one in the delegation had a satellite phone. Because of to the intensive US/British bombing, with very good reason, there were very few vehicles on the road between Baghdad and the Jordanian.

The group was just beginning to panic, when an Iraqi civilian car approached, pulled over and asked if he could help. Without a second thought, the driver packed the 5 additional passengers into his car and drove to the closest Iraqi town, Rutba, about 6 km from the site of the accident. Rutba is a city of about 20,000 people located 140 km east of the Jordanian Border. The group was astounded to see that this civilian town, with no apparent military structures had been devastated by US/British bombing three days earlier.

Much of the town was destroyed including the children's hospital in which two children were killed in the bombing. The group was taken to the only remaining functioning medical facility in town, a 20-foot X 20-foot four-bed clinic. The people of the town quickly gathered to inspect their uninvited foreign guests.

The group hastily offered everyone a copy the CPT hand-out, a description of the Christian Peacemakers Team's mission and work in Iraq, with English on one side of the page and Arabic on the other. Introduction in hand, the people of Rutba warmly welcomed the wounded stranded American refugees, just three days after their town had been destroyed by American/British Aircraft.

The next morning, Shane asked, "How do you think Americans would respond to Iraqi civilians accidentally stranded in their community three days after Iraqi aircraft had destroyed their town?"

When the doctor arrived, the group was in for an even bigger surprise. In this town of 20,000 in the middle of the Iraqi desert, the doctor who would treat them spoke perfect English, and without delay, he started his examinations.

Everyone in the vehicle was badly bruised, but Weldon Nisly had a broken thumb, several broken ribs and other possible fractures, while Ciff Kindy had a very bad gash in his head. The doctor was professionally embarrassed. Because of the embargo, and the Allied attack on their primary hospital three days earlier, many medications were unavailable. Some painkillers were on hand, but Cliff Kindy would have to get the 10 stitches he needed to close the gash in his head without anesthesia.

Under normal circumstances, the doctor explained, they would gladly have offered to take the wounded of group by ambulance to Jordan. But, he could not make that offer in the current situation. As was obvious from the bombed out ambulance not far down the road, it appears that even ambulances are at times considered legitimate targets of American/British bombing.

By the time everyone in the group had been treated, about two hours after they had arrived, the two other cars in the convoy had returned and found them. The group warmly thanked the people of Rutba for their hospitality, and tried unsuccessfully to pay the clinic and doctor for their services. "We treat everyone in our clinic: Muslim, Christian, Iraqi or American. We all are part of the same family you know," the doctor said.

The team members expelled from Iraq

Christian Peacemakers Team
Weldon Nisly, Mennonite Pastor from Seattle, WA
Jonathan & Leah Wilson-Hartgrone, Philadelphia, PA
Kara Speltz of Oakland, CA
Betty Scholten, Mt. Rainier, MD
Peggy Gish, Athens, OH CPT staff
Cliff Kindy, Indiana CPT staff

Voices in the Wilderness - Iraq Peace Team
Michael Birmingham, Ireland
Shane Claiborne, Philadelphia

Doug Hostetter is a 15 year adviser and friend of Christian Peacemaker Team who is currently supporting peace work in Amman, Jordan. He is Peace Pastor, Evanston Mennonite Church (Evanston IL), and Senior Middle East Correspondent for American Friends Service Committee.

Page last updated: 30 March 2003, 15:44 CST

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