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Analysis / Hamas may be only side to profit from Yassin's death
by haaretz Monday, Mar. 22, 2004 at 4:33 PM mail:

The assassination of Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin may well turn out to be a blow, not to Hamas, but to the Palestinian Authority. In the power struggle waged for the past several years in Gaza between the PA and Hamas, it was Yassin's organization that enjoyed an ever-increasing advantage in the sphere of public opinion.

Hamas is perceived as an organization whose leaders are free of corruption and ready to make sacrifices. In the eyes of the Palestinian street, Hamas' diplomatic tactics have proven themselves to be effective, while PA chairman Yasser Arafat's strategy has led to a dead end. The assassination of Yassin puts paid once and for all to the possibility that the PA will take measures to restrain Hamas and curb its members.

The more Israel hits Hamas leaders and rank-and-file members, the more their popularity climbs. In tandem, they become increasing immune to operations by the PA's security force, since any such operation would only be interpreted as treacherous collaboration with Israel. Recently, there was some cases in which the PA's security forces tried to arrested Hamas activists, but hundreds of the organization's activists physically blocked their path and prevented the arrested.

There are some 20,000 armed Palestinian Authority police officers in the Gaza Strip, compared to barely 2,000 armed Hamas members. Nonetheless, the balance of power between them is not based solely on number, but on the public standing that each group enjoys.

The assassination of Yassin could, therefore, merely contribute to the collapse of the Palestinian Authority, and, by creating chaos in the Gaza Strip, turn Hamas into the only side to profit from Yassin's death.

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