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[Genoa] Press Conference Statement, 26/06
by italy imc Tuesday, Jun. 29, 2004 at 1:09 AM mail:

press conference statement by the international Diaz people


1. We condemn the police violence at the Diaz school and on the demonstrations in Genova in July 2001.
2. We support and show solidarity with the twenty six demonstrators, and all other protesters charged during the Genova G8 and also those charged at the protests in Evian. We also wish to express our solidarity with the further 50
protesters who have been charged following the Genova demonstrations whose trial will begin soon.
3. We do not support the civil action by the municipality of Genova against the twenty six protesters charged in Genova and for this reason most of us did not attend the reception organised by the mayor of the city yesterday.
4. This is a diverse movement of movements and we refuse to be divided into good and bad demonstrators. We are united against repression.
5. The actions of police officers at the Diaz school should have marked the end of their careers not promotion. We therefore call for punishment of these officers and compensation for the serious injuries sustained by many of us. We also wish to see the politicians who ordered the raid held to account.
6. We thank all supporters in our countries, our lawyers and all our supporters in Italy, especially the Genova Legal Forum and the Veritą č Giustizia committee.
7. The police violence aimed to terrorise us and stop us demonstrating. However, our presence here and our decision to march now to the Diaz School shows our determination to continue this struggle and to express our opposition to this
system. We hope as many of you as possible will join us in this march where we will be making a presentation in one hour.

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