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Heavy Fighting In Fallujah
by Arab Voice Friday, Dec. 31, 2004 at 6:22 AM mail:

Heavy Fighting In Fallujah Results In High US Death Toll

Heavy Fighting In Fallujah Results In High US Death Toll
Dec 30, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited By JUS

A member of the Counsultative Council of the Mujahideen of Fallujah and the official spokesman for the committee, Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi, told Mafkarat al-Islam on Wednesday that the final count for the days fighting was 16 US vehicles set ablaze, including nine armored vehicles, four Humvees and three giant Abrams tanks. More than 60 US troops were killed, he said and 13 US fire arms were seized as well as a number of suits of body armor and helmets.

Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi said that 24 Mujahideen were killed in the day’s fighting, including eight fraternal Arab fighters from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Yemen. The US troops in the end, ran from the battle field he said, “running, not trotting, may God be praised.”

As to the last three days during which news from Fallujah was cut off, the Shaykh said that “there were two battles in which we lost many of our heroic fighters, but we took out of them [the enemy soldiers] double the number of men we lost. They lost 140 US soldiers during the past three days.”

A correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam went into the village of al-Azraqiyah west of al-Fallujah on Wednesday and said that for the first time in nearly a month prayers were said in the al-Faruq Mosque in the al-Andalus neighborhood, and in the al-Furqan Mosque in the al-Jumhuriyah neighborhood. He said that he personally saw three Mujahideen attack a US command post in the al-Jaghifi neighborhood where there were about 11 US soldiers and 10 puppet “national guards.” Three Mujahideen, one carrying a BKC machine gun and the other two armed with RPG7s as well as hand grenades opened fire on the US command post, killing three American troops and three puppet guards. At that point dozens of US troops massed three together with members of the puppet guards and clashed with the three Resistance fighters. The battle lasted almost half an hour, from 12 noon until 12:30pm local time when the Resistance fighters ran out of ammunition and withdrew from the place in the blink of an eye.

One of the amazing things that the correspondent witnessed during that battle was that whenever the three Mujahideen advanced in any direction, the Americans and their puppet “national guards” fled in the opposite direction, showing the extent to which the American troops in Fallujah have been beset by fear and panic when they encounter the Resistance forces.

Fighting in the city came to a halt at 8pm Wednesday night. Dozens of US troops were reported killed and wounded.

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