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Altri soldati italiani morti in Iraq
by amico Monday, Feb. 28, 2005 at 9:18 AM mail:

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 27 February 2005

An-Nasiriyah - Dhi Qar Province.

Two Italian soldiers killed in Resistance bombing in an-Nasiriyah Sunday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported on Sunday afternoon that eyewitnesses and an official source in the puppet police had said that three Italian occupation troops were killed or wounded when a huge Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded in an-Nasiriyah early Sunday.

The correspondent wrote that the eastern parts of the city were shaken awake by a powerful explosion that a puppet police officer said was the result of a bomb planted on al-Husayn Street in the east of the city. The bomb exploded just as a joint Italian - Iraqi puppet force column was passing by.

The puppet police officer reported that the blast destroyed one Italian armored car and killed two Italian soldiers and moderately wounded a third. Meanwhile, local residents of the area where the bomb went off told the correspondent that the blast took place at 7:30am local time and their stories as to the damage and casualties agreed with the account given by the puppet police officer.

After the blast, the correspondent reported, US and Italian occupation forces encircled the scene of the blast and were still there when he submitted his report, posted at 1:05pm Mecca time Sunday afternoon. The occupation troops also raided several houses in the Suq ash-Shuyukh area, which is predominantly Sunni, taking four persons prisoner. Although the correspondent was unable to ascertain the exact names or charges against the captives, the local, predominantly Shi‘i population believes that they were arrested because they were Sunnis and therefore opposed to the occupation.

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