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by BOMBE MEDIATICHE Friday, Mar. 11, 2005 at 2:30 PM mail:

il funerale dove ieri è avvenuta la strage era di un rappresentante di Moqtada Al Sadr,l' uomo schierato al fianco della resistenza sunnita, contro l' occupazione e in contrasto con l' ala sciita collaborazionista di Sistani, questa notizia è stata ignorata da tutti i media occidentali che hanno riportato un generico 'funerale'.Credibile che la resistenza colpisca così pesantemente il suo alleato sciita? proprio a Mosul? sappiamo che in questi giorni Moqtatda ha pesantemente criticato Sistani ed esige una data sul ritiro degli invasori....

Forty Seven Mourners Killed At Funeral For Representative Of Muqtada As-Sadr In Mosul
Mar 11, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, the Free Arab Voice; Edited For Publication By JUS

At least 40 persons were killed when a massive explosion struck a Shi‘i mosque in the at-Tamimi neighborhood of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on Thursday, the American Associated Press (AP) reported. The AP said that a person blew himself up in the mosque.

Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that the bomber struck as mourners flocked into a hall next to the Sadrin mosque, where a service was being held for Hisham al-‘Arraji, the Mosul representative for Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr.

“Many people were killed or wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up in the hall where the funeral service was being held,” said one witness.

Although the target of the attack was a representative of Muqtada as-Sadr, the Shi‘i leader who is frequently at odds with the pro-American Shi‘i religious establishment, the AP and other western media in their reports on the attack tried to imply that Resistance forces, largely based among the Sunni population, were responsible for the bombing. Regardless of the weak logic involved in such accusations, it is likely that the western media will attempt to foist blame for the attack on the Sunni community.

One of the original aims of the US occupation of Iraq was to weaken and divide a state that served as a focus of power in the Arab East and the partitioning of Iraq along sectarian lines has been a constant in US occupation policy.

When the US installed a puppet regime, it assigned seats along religious lines. In the recent sham “election” the US facilitated Kurdish chauvinists in northern Iraq to flood the city of Kirkuk with outside voters, provoking ethnic discord between Kurds on the one side, and Arabs and Turkmen on the other. Meanwhile the US occupation forces have incorporated large numbers of Shi‘i chauvinist Badr Brigade gunmen in their puppet police and so-called “national guard” and used sectarian preachers to incite such fighters against defiant Iraqi Resistance fighters in al-Fallujah.

Shi‘i Mullah Calls For Separatism In Southern Iraq

Shaykh ‘Abd al-Karim al-Muhammadawi, a member of the list of pro-American Shi‘i candidates who led in the “election” held on 30 Janurary, called for declaring southern Iraq a “separate region” similar to the other “separate region” envisaged for the largely Kurdish northern part of Iraq. Agence France Presse (AFP) was quoted by the Jordanian daily al-‘Arab al-Yawm on Friday as saying that al-Muhammadawi told a press conference in an-Nasiriyah that the three southern provinces of Basra, Dhi Qar and Maysan should be the subject of a “Southern Region Project” to be incorporated in the spurious “constitution” that the puppet regime is to draw up under American tutelage.

The Shi‘i religious leader, who has the backing of pro-American Shi‘i religious authority Ayatallah ‘Ali as-Sistani, alluded to dreams of seizing the oil wealth in the southern regions of Iraq when he told the press that the aim of the “Southern Project” is to “give the people of the region the opportunity to acquire better positions and [state] employment and to enjoy the resources that should be distributed in a just fashion.” Al-Muhammadawi added, “we will work forcefully to bring about this region, looking forward to the support of religious authorities and political parties.”

On 6 January 2005 some 600 Shi‘i sectarian personalities announced their intention to create a separatist region in southern Iraq along the lines of that being set up for the Kurds in the north.

In fact the three northern provinces Dahuk, Irbil, and as-Sulaymaniyah where the Kurds predominate were granted self-rule by the Iraqi government of the Baath Party in 1971. Kurdish forces collaborating with the US invaders, however, have worked to turn their region into a separatist enclave and haven to Zionist and other hostile alien forces. It is evidently the desire of al-Muhammadawi that the Shi‘i areas of the south of Iraq be dragged into similar subservience to hostile alien powers.

Once again it must be noted that one of the original aims of the US occupation of Iraq was to weaken and divide a state that served as a focus of power in the Arab East. The efforts of the Kurdish parties, the Shi‘i collaborators with the Americans, and the recent statements of al-Muhammadawi represent the latest steps being taken under the flag of the occupation towards the partition of Iraq.

One Italian soldier killed, four more injured when vehicle flips over into ditch.

The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Thursday morning that one Italian occupation soldier was killed and four others injured when their vehicle flipped over in the ‘Ali al-Gharbi area west of southern Iraqi city of an-Nasiriyah.

A member of the local puppet police told the correspondent that an Italian military column made up of four armored vehicles was traveling along an elevated dirt path towards the village of ‘Ali al-Gharbi when one of the four vehicles strayed off the road and fell into some brackish water, killing one soldier and injuring four more.

The correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam met with one of the Iraq collaborator translators working with the Italian occupation forces who said that the reason the vehicle left the road was that there was heavy rain coming down and the dirt road was rough and muddy and difficult to drive along, even in military vehicles.

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