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Iraq: Camp Bucca, "alcuni" prigionieri sono riusciti a fuggire
by --- Wednesday, Mar. 30, 2005 at 5:45 PM mail:

Iraq: Camp Bucca, "alcuni" prigionieri sono riusciti a fuggire

More Details Surface About Prisoners Escaped From Camp Bucca
Mar 30, 2005
By Muhammad Abu Nasr Free Arab Voice; Edited For Publication By JUS

In a follow up to the story of the great escape through a tunnel out of Camp Bucca in the Umm Qasr area of southern Iraq, the correspondent for Mafakrat al-Islam reported Tuesday that one officer in the US army had admitted that the Iraqi prisoners had apparently spent two full months digging the tunnel and that a number of prisoners were able to use the tunnel to escape. The officer said that they had been able to confirm that some prisoners had indeed escaped after they did a head count of the prisoners in that particular facility.

The officer, an American lieutenant, did not reveal the number of prisoners who escaped during his interview with the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the so-called “green zone” in Baghdad.

Mafkarat al-Islam obtained photographs of the tunnel that was discovered by the Americans a few days ago. Those pictures can be viewed along with the Arabic version of this report at:

They were distributed by the US army to Arab and foreign journalists and show the depth and length of the tunnel and some of the tools used to excavate it.

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