The KJV Holy Bible Scriptures listed will tell you.
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Who else has a name that by the Hebrew & Greek Gematria method adds up to 666 in not only Hebrew but also in English? Who else has the RED dragon give him his seat and power and great authority? Who else has on his Coat of Arms the beast with the body of a leopard,the feet of a bear,and the mouth of a lion? Who else has 7 Crowns on his Coat of Arms? Who else has 10 lion-leopard beasts on the shield of his Coat of Arms? Who else has the RED dragon give him his seat and power and great authority?
Read in the KJV Holy Bible Revelation or Apocalypse
Ch 12 vs 3, Ch 13 vs 2, 7-9, and 16-18, and MOST IMPORTANT Ch 14 vs 7-12.
Has he been revealed to you? Will you RECIEVE his 6-6-6 Mark and go to HELL?
Upside Down Cross Symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus. Such upside down cross Necklaces are worn by many overt Satanists.
Important men - yes. Luciferian, Illuminati, Masonic, New World Order out of Chaos, key players - Yes. Antichrist - yes. THE Antichirst - NO.
The following gives you THE Antichrist, Satan's top MAN.
Great Joy in Great Tribulation www sites give more details at:: and and