Again and again more Blood-Baath in Syria

Again and again more Blood-Baath in Syria
Solidarity with proletariat in struggle

Early February 2012 we published a leaflet in several languages to send our internationalist greetings to proletarians in struggle in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia… and all over the world! This leaflet was a part of the movement in Syria commemorating the thirtieth “anniversary” of the uprising in the city of Hama and its terrible repression.

But just when proletarians continued to massively take to the streets and to occupy squares of different cities and villages in Syria against the deterioration of their living conditions, against exploitation and against repression, while they also remembered this terrible massacre of 1982 and organized processions to honour the memory of their then murdered struggling brothers and sisters, the Syrian state was planning a new murderous offensive and an implacable answer in order to try to suppress the rebellion that has been currently developing. Exactly thirty years after the uprising in the city of Hama the Syrian army brutally bombed the city of Homs with heavy artillery, a city that symbolizes the proletarian rebellion today, making more than 260 deaths in only one day. The Syrian army and the state militias laid siege to the city during nearly one month, they starved its inhabitants, and ended up crushing the last insurgents in action in the district of Bab Amr.

Since then, demonstrations of anger have nothing but intensified, proletarians continue to express their contempt towards this bloodthirsty regime and this society of misery. Nothing seems to stop our class anymore, neither hunger nor arrests, neither tortures nor bombing, neither indifference from the world nor death… Since more than one and half year, day after day, the movement of our class has been developing; soldiers desert the ranks of the bourgeois army by thousands, they form networks, they ally with other groups of “civilian” proletarians who arm themselves against the repression, who defend demonstrators in the streets. Who could doubt about the importance of such a phenomenon? When did proletarians for the last time confront in this way and for so long the state forces that deploy all the capitalist means to quell an uprising? When did the strength of social contradictions for the last time tear apart so mightily the society so that so many soldiers, i.e. proletarians in uniform, desert and join their class brothers and sisters?

Since July 15th, the movement expresses a qualitative leap in the confrontation: the double uprising in the workers’ districts of Damascus and Aleppo gets the insurgents closer to central apparatuses of power, at the political as well as economic and military levels. The capital city seems to be recaptured by the state forces quite quickly, although even today several districts remain out of their control. The uprising in Aleppo seems to endure despite the insurgents were obliged to withdraw from several districts where they were strongly implanted (e.g. the district of Salaheddin).

This daily guerrilla warfare against the Syrian army, the governmental militias and their torturers, the execution of Baath regime dignitaries, the objectives targeted by deserters and armed groups (whether they act or not under the label of the “Free Syrian Army”), are objective materialization of the proletariat in struggle, that has to get organized against all the bourgeois factions which try to restore capitalist law and order and security in the region. It is still difficult to appreciate the autonomy of our class in relation to these bourgeois forces that try to contain our anger against exploitation and repression. Fundamentally, acts of sabotage, bombing attempts, “wildcat” demonstrations (the proletariat doesn’t ask any permission to express its class anger), occupations, and strikes are not the fact of Islamists, nationalists or “pro-democracy militants”, as trumpeted by the prevailing speech that absolutely wants to trap the struggle of our class in a simple change of regime or politics.

And it is here that our class has to go for broke… Proletarians, in fact (and no matter at this level how conscious they are or not about what they are socially determined to do), have to clash with all the world factions of capitalism, as they are its lethal contradiction. But will they be strong enough to reject radical Islamism, nationalism or parliamentarianism, which here and now express themselves as material forces containing our movement? Will our brothers and sisters in struggle in Syria be strong enough not to get bogged down in a national liberation popular war?

If there is no extension of the movement inside of the frontiers as well as abroad, if repression gets the upper hand, then the different structures of struggle which proletarians equipped themselves with (coordination committees, networks of deserters, armed groups…) can only become institutionalized as opposition factions to the regime.

The answer won’t come only from the proletariat in Syria that, as far as it will stay so dramatically isolated, will have difficulty not to fall into one or another bourgeois faction’s arms trying to enlist it as cannon fodder under one of its banners. It depends above all on the balance of forces between proletariat and bourgeoisie at the most global level, at the world level. To stop these massacres in Syria, so that proletarians in Syria don’t fall into the bourgeois traps, it is necessary that our class brothers and sisters all over the world react, make troubles, get organized and strongly begin to struggle against this world of misery, for the satisfaction of their needs, against their own exploitation, against their own bourgeoisie, for the satisfaction of humanity’s needs…

Not only that there are too few important proletarian struggles at the international level today, but more over the isolation of the proletariat in Syria is strengthened by the fact that what happens there is systematically ideologically overshadowed. The world bourgeoisie makes sure that all over the world nobody talks neither about proletarian struggle nor revolution in Syria, but only about chaos, Islamists, or even “struggle for democracy”… See how the media talks about “the democratic alternation” in some “liberated” villages and towns (e.g. in Azzaz, northern of Aleppo), where “new” municipal councils, “new” police units, “new” courts are set up in order to maintain business as usual… International social peace weighs heavily on the movement of the proletariat in Syria that needs to extend the struggle internationally. But it finds neither the support nor the necessary comprehension from the rest of the world proletariat (except maybe in some countries of the region like in Tunisia, Egypt…) who, stupefied by the international campaign of the bourgeoisie, don’t recognize itself in the struggle of its class brothers and sisters in Syria, and imagine even less the real force of rupture which has taken place there.

It is the task of the world proletariat and its active minorities to break isolation which our class in Syria is plunged in and to bring to light the mightily universal content of the proletariat’s struggle in Syria, which appears in all the struggles of our class. Above all, and against lies and distortions of the counterrevolution, this struggle is not a struggle for democracy, for nation or for Islam, but indeed a struggle FOR LIVING, against misery and exploitation…

The struggle for living, for a classless, stateless society without exploiters, goes through the elimination of all the bourgeois factions that manage our everyday life and keep us in misery: “dictators” and “democrats”, the right and the left, militaries and civilians, ultraliberals and Social Democrats, Islamists and laymen…

Class war
August 20th, 2012

“Down with the regime and the opposition, down with Arabian and Muslim nation, down with the Security Council, down with the world and down with everything!” – Occupied Kafranbel, October 14th, 2011.

This leaflet is simultaneously published in three languages: Czech, English and French, not because we have efficient translators but for the sake of internationalism on one hand, and because it is the result of a common activity of comrades speaking different languages on the other hand.

CW-again-and-again-more-blood-baath-in-syria (PDF)

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