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teatro a gas
by Joe Fallisi Sunday, Oct. 27, 2002 at 10:35 PM mail:

Via libera all'invasione dell'Irak

E così è certo: 117 uomini e donne sono stati sterminati col gas all'interno del teatro moscovita; altri 150 si trovano tuttora in rianimazione. Non si è verificato alcun combattimento: solo UN individuo è morto per colpi d'arma da fuoco. Non acido cianidrico (quello esalato dalle pasticche di Zyklon B nelle camere a gas di Auschwitz), perché, è stato fatto notare, sarebbero morti immediatamente tutti; bensì, con ogni probabilità, gas nervino, leggermente meno letale, proibito dalle convenzioni, ma tuttora prodotto - ed esportato - da quegli stessi Paesi che lo hanno messo al bando. Il medesimo Sarin che impiegarono gli americani durante la guerra del Vietnam e qualche anno fa una setta nella metropolitana di Tokyo, e del cui uso, contro i villaggi curdi, è stato accusato Saddam Hussein. Ora l'uomo grigio dei servizi segreti e della mafia, il neo-gasatore Putin, può sedere saldamente al tavolo di guerra col bruto di Washington e il "socialista" con l'elmetto di Londra. Il massacro dei ceceni può andare sino in fondo, quello dei palestinesi pure. L'Irak e i suo petrolio sono a portata di mano.

MOSCA - Sono 117 le vittime tra gli ostaggi del blitz a Mosca. Tutti, rendono noto le autorita' sanitarie della citta', sono morti per le esalazioni di gas tranno uno, deceduto per ferite d'arma da fuoco. Negli ospedali sono ancora ricoverate 646 persone di cui 45 versano in gravi condizioni. Centinaia di persone hanno reso omaggio alle vittime, mentre moltitudini di parenti dei sopravvissuti fanno inutilmente la fila davanti agli ospedali dove viene loro impedito di vedere i congiunti. La polizia ha rimosso il cordone di sicurezza intorno all'area del sequestro ma a nessuno e' permesso superarlo, tranne a coloro che vengono a deporre i fiori, soprattutto rose e garofani rossi, davanti ad un monumento improvvisato alle vittime. La maggior parte di coloro che depongono fiori non sono neppure parenti ma cittadini comuni. Davanti all'Ospedale Nr.13, un centinaio di parenti aspetta non senza rabbia, sotto la pioggia di avere notizie dei propri cari o di poterli visitare, ma viene loro impedito. Ad un certo punto la porta si apre per permettere ad alcuni di entrare ma solo per lasciare loro del cibo, non per vederli.
Un ex ostaggio russo, collaboratore dell'agenzia France Presse, ha detto di non aver visto ''alcun ferito da colpi d'arma da fuoco''' dopo il blitz delle forze speciali russe nel teatro e ha aggiunto che il commando ceceno aveva minacciato di decapitare gli ostaggi se le loro richieste non fossero state esaudite.
Una donna olandese di 38 anni, Natascia Jyrov, uno degli 800 ostaggi sequestrati, e' morta oggi in un ospedale della capitale russa. Lo ha confermato all'agenzia Interfax l'ambasciata olandese a Mosca precisando che la donna, la prima straniera a rimanere vittima del sequestro, si era recata a teatro con il figlio, che e' tuttora ricoverato. Le fonti non hanno precisato le cause della morte, verosimilmente provocata dall'inalazione di gas durante il blitz delle forze speciali russe.
27/10/2002 14:30


Russia:teatro;guerriglia cecena smentisce versione ufficiale
(ANSA)- MOSCA, 27 OTT- La guerriglia cecena smentisce la versione ufficiale secondo cui il blitz al teatro e' avvenuto perche' il commando aveva iniziato a giustiziare gli ostaggi. Secondo il suo sito, si tratta di 'una frottola inventata dai servizi speciali per giustificare la morte di centinaia di persone a causa dell'impiego di dosi enormi di un gas nervino paralizzante'. L'analisi suggerisce che le 'teste di cuoio' avrebbero attaccato di propria iniziativa e senza provocazione. SO
27/10/2002 16:29


Russia: teatro; prossimo obiettivo centrale nucleare; Lo ipotizza un
(ANSA) - COPENAGHEN, 27 OTT - I piu' radicali militanti ceceni potrebbero pensare all'assalto a una centrale nucleare. Lo ha detto un collaboratore del presidente ceceno. Akhmed Zakayev ha sottolineato che il presidente ceceno Maskhadov e' favorevole a trattative con le autorita' russe e non e' legato al commando che ha agito a Mosca. Ha pero' aggiunto di non poter garantire che altri gruppi non siano pronti ad agire. 'Le conseguenze di un prossimo colpo - ha aggiunto -potrebbero essere catastrofiche,anche per l'Europa'. /RED
27/10/2002 18:05


Chechen Republic Online - People of Chechnya
ople of
Profile: Shamil Basaev
Date of Birth: 1965
Place of Birth: Village Vedeno, Vedeno District, Chechen Republic
Has three brothers. One was killed during the fighting in Vedeno at the beginning of 1995. Older brother - Shirvani Basaev was a commandant of the city of Bamut
Marriage status: Married
Life path:
1987 got enrolled to Moscow Institute of Land-Tenure Regulations Engineers.
August, 1991 took action in the defence of the White House in Moscow, Russia.
1991 returned to Chechnya from Russia and joined the trrops of the Confederation of the People of the Cacasus (KHK).
1992 became a commander of the troops of the Confederation of the People of the Cacasus (KHK).
August of 1992 participated in war actions in Abkhaziya.
From April until July of 1994 he was in Afganistan in province of Host where he went through the training.
Summer of 1994 he particpated in military activities during civil war on Djovkhar Dudaev's side.
14 June, 1995 he took hospital in the city of Budenovsk, Russia in order to bring attention of the World community to the situation in Chechnya.
April of 1996 he was elected as Commander of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic.
December of 1996 left the post of the Commander in order to be a candidate for the President of the Chechen Republic in forthcoming elections.
27th of January, 1997 got second place, getting 23,5% of the voters loosing the Presidential seat to Aslan Maskhadov.
Also identified as: Shamel Basayev
Full Name: Basaev Shamil Salmanovich


News agency PRIMA  Articles Files Announcements About us Mail
26.5.2002 23:00 MSK
Shamil Basayev: “We fight for the right to be free”
Shamil BasayevThe Chechen leader interviewed by the PRIMA News Agency editor-in-chief Alexander Podrabinek, 15 May 2002.

- Alexander, I haven’t talked with journalists for more than 18 months, but decided to make an exception in your case, considering the human rights priorities of PRIMA agency. There are few people today who seek the truth, particularly in respect of the war between Russia and Chechnya. Everyone is too comfortable within his secluded shell, hiding from the world. It will hardly work out today, though, since everything in the world is so interdependent…

-Head of Joint Staff Kvashnin reported you to be dead. How would you comment on the fact?

-I have a portable TV and saw the news. I also heard General Troshev’s report on my death. He wore such a clever enigmatic face, as if promising to adduce proofs to the statement in a short while. I would only comment that the military officials seek to gain favor from its superiors. As you remember, Khattab was reported killed by the Minister of Defense Mr.Ivanov, although it was rather Mr.Patrushev’s chore to break the news. As they say, proximity to the body does matter here. Apparently, Kvashnin was jealous of Ivanov’s laurels and chose to stand out this way. By the highest standards, my death won’t change a thing. If I die, or anyone else dies, Jihad shall not stop, as was shown by Khattab’s death. Our enemies weren’t able to defeat us in the open and now have resorted to an age-old mean trick – sent a poisoned letter. By mercy of Allah, we have identified the people. One has been shot already, and the second is to found and punished soon. The problem is rooted neither in me nor in other our mujaheddins today. The problem is consists in people’s attitude to the world and their freedom, in their way of life. We chose the path to freedom, we chose to stand up for our freedom, way of life and the right to live our lives the way we choose, bothering no one. Sooner or later, we’ll achieve this with the blessing of Allah. That’s why Kvashnin’s report caused nothing but laughter and bitter irony here. For, if Russia tolerates such slow-witted and puny military top ranks, I only have pity for the country, which wastes incalculable means and numerous human resources here. But the main point is that the mine war cripples thousands of people for the rest of their lives. Of course, Russia it has been in the way of Russia: they never counted their victims and casualties, for the steering wheel has always been usurped by those who do not think of the nation they rule and represent. Russia has never warred for the lack of land or resources. It has always conducted aggressive warfare. We say what Allah says in the Koran: “If you diverge from my direct way, I will choose the worst of you and will punish you with their hands”. We consider Russian aggressors as heavenly punishment, that’s all.

—Is it more difficult to war now than it used to be in the beginning of the last conflict?

— The answer can be very short: much easier, save Grozny battles. Those battles were difficult ones, since it involved very powerful forces and weapons. I will cite an example. As you know, Russian major-general of internal forces, or lieutenant-general (I cannot say for sure), Malofeyev was killed in Grozny and found by Chechen soldiers in Staropromyslovy district of the city. Russian soldiers wouldn’t go in to the attack, so the late officer tried to imbue his subordinates with morale, entered one of the houses and was killed. We took his documents, and one of them, a kind of calculation, I would like to cite to you as an example. The officer was a deputy Commander-in-Chief of the northwest sector, and Grozny was assaulted by the troops of four sectors. The forces of just one of the sectors – the killed general’s one – attacked us in the following volume during just one day – January 15 – and I may be incorrect in tens, not hundreds: multiple rocket launcher system salvos – 2870; over 2700 tank shells; self-propelled assault guns and artillery made up to 2860 gunshots; armored troops-carriers added 45,000 shots; 300 aircraft bombs and 50 Skad short-range missiles were targeted. I remember this from reading Malofeyev’s notepad. The cited figures represent just one day, just one sector. We had largest casualties in Grozny on this day – we lost 31 people, 67 or 68 were injured. Actually, we had a hard time in February and March, when we were forced to abandon trench warfare for the partisan tactics. At the time, the most complicated point was that rather big number of people had to dissolve on a rather small plot of land. We survived two encirclements and reached the plain, sending soldiers almost forcedly to villages in order to prepare some base, a platform for the partisan activities. Today, war proceeds in a haphazard manner, to put it this way. Mujaheddins know what to do, and nether I nor other leaders are required much now. Everyone has already grown as a soldier, knows how to make a mine from practically any substance, how to place it – people have learnt to war, and the tactics we have employed – our ancestors’ bequest – is the tactics of bees, when incessant little stings overwhelm the enemy by number. On the one hand, the tactics is justified by the little financing it requires and low casualty rate among mujaheddins. On the other hand, it damages peaceful population, for, having no possibility of defeating us, the aggressors organize punitive expeditions and actions against non-combatants. It leads to reinforcement of our ranks, though. Many people perceive it as if the war will never end, Russians unable to conquer us and Chechens, in their turn, unable to fend Russians off. But it only appears that way, for the tactics was chosen with the purpose to take the upper hand eventually. It may take long decades, but we are ready to take the time. I will repeat once again that it is much easier to war now, as far as everything gelled and nothing is to be changed.

— Do you think that global public opinion could influence Russian policy in relation to Chechnya?

— Public opinion can influence even the policies of tyrants, but at present Western governments, and American in the first place, speak of the terrorism threat. They found an extremely convenient term – international terrorism, which can be applied to almost every citizen and every state. What is aggravating the situation, no evidence is necessary to make conclusions – no one asks for the proofs. The whole world is as if hypnotized, people are being led to a fathomless precipice. The explosion on May 9 in Kaspiysk may serve as an example. Rabbani Khalilov was at once reported responsible for the terrorist action. Without investigations, without proofs. A few days later there’s his father on TV, renouncing his son and claiming he will burn Rabbani himself, if he comes to meet him… I watch this on TV and think to myself: where in the world is the celebrated presumption of innocence, where is the right of a person for defense, where is the right to prove one’s innocence, to just declare it? Presently, Rabbani Khalilov has no opportunity to deny connection with the explosion, but if he did, nothing would change. Why? Because the security forces and the Dagestan authorities pass the buck to Khalilov to justify their inactivity and uselessness. They just lump the blame on Khalilov, declaring they knew of his preparations in advance, but then a host of questions should arise. So, public opinion matters much in a situation like this, and the global community could stop the world from slipping – exactly slipping – into the World War III. It seems to have already started, waiting for the moment to burst out, for the current injustice, current chaos will inevitably ignite a major conflict. The world can halt it yet, if population starts demanding facts and evidences from their governments first, ignoring allegations and political propaganda, and only after the facts are established, people should demand action from top officials of such great powers as the USA and Russia. Public opinion matters, but it will probably fail to bring results, for today both the USA and Europe seek friendship with Russia for fear of terrorism. The West sacrifices Russian cannon fodder – exactly so – the cannon fodder of Russian people… And it is unlikely to interfere.

— Does Chechen resistance movement intends to proceed from the partisan tactics to establishment of control under their country?

— By the mercy of Allah, we prepare for it. In 2001, even in the year of 2000, we planned to assume the extensive offensives, but the realization depends on a range of circumstances. I will not disclose details, but we do have such plans. Actions should be timely. Today, I have sufficient human resources and weapons, although it is ammunition and large-caliber weapons we somewhat lack. Thank Allah, we have been gradually accumulating ammunition and getting ready. At present, Russian military would like to engage Chechen troops for a few decisive, so to say, definitive battles, for the open confrontation is to the advantage of Russian army now. When the situation changes, you should have no doubt we shall embark upon the trench warfare and establish control under the republic. It is possible for us today, but we believe time is not ripe yet. The current tactics has so far been fruitful for us. Although our ranks feature those who would like to finish it all now.

— Do you have anything to say to Russian people?

— Frankly speaking, I do not. Because it is futile to address slaves: slaves do not make decisions by their very nature and, even if they sympathize you, will obey the master’s orders to their own detriment. I feel pity for the Russian society, for I view it as totally slavish. Well, there’s one thing I would like to say, still. When they say on TV of peaceful times, you’d better refrain from illusions; the war will come to every house of yours, for the entire Russia is engaged in the war. Do not assume that we consider you as peaceful population. We consider you as unarmed military men, because those who by majority approve the genocide of the Chechen people cannot be peaceful population. According to the law of Shariate, mere verbal approval of war ranks peaceful citizens among the enemy. They are just unarmed enemy, that’s the only difference. Many of you prefer to never think about this and do not object to the Chechen people being killed – the Chechen people are some terrorists, the more so international terrorists, who fight for spurious dollars and for something else, but not for their freedom and the right to live free in the world. Don’t you really think that, if we fought for dollars or something of the kind, Russian hirelings would gladly join our ranks, kvashnins and troshins would be first to serve us? We fight for our freedom, our independence and our faith. Thank Allah, we shall overcome, whatever stands on our way.

Our first president Dzhokhar Dudayev used to say that rescue of the drowning is the concern of the drowning. It is true regarding both Chechen resistance forces and Russian people, because Russia is drowning as well. It is drowning in the swamp of its blunders. In fact, Russia is falls to ruin today and, when the demagogical Russian government speaks of the country’s territorial integrity, it sounds amusing here. Because Russia has been waging two wars on end in 10 years over the territory of 15,000 square kilometers, while 150,000 square kilometers were ceded to China for nothing – and it makes 10 areas of the Chechen republic! Russia is ceding lands to its neighbors, while keeping here the territorial integrity. No, this war is being waged against our people, not for the integrity. Had Russian government been really concerned about keeping the country whole, it would have sent the army, which loses here tens of soldiers and officers daily, and used its resources there, at the border, maintaining the order in the regions and settling international territorial disputes. Today’s activities of Russian top civil servants show no appearance of concern about their homeland. There is a mutual game, but this problem of yours we shall not address. I can cite another example of what Russian citizens achieved through this conflict. The Russian military forces cultivates a new generation in Chechnya, which knows no other objectives in life but Jihad. This generation will kill itself and the entire Russia at first opportunity. Their main objective is to bring as much pain and damage to Russia as possible. You only have to wait for the chance. Believe me, multiple new military groups arise in Chechnya today, of which neither I nor Maskhadov nor anyone else is in control. The groups act autonomously today, doing whatever they think appropriate. People are embittered with the war, and the Russian proverb “One doesn’t make the army” is obsolete. Today, in the time of progress, one makes a pretty army… This will become actual in a short while, because there cannot be another answer to the cruel barbarian actions of Russian military clique. Do not forget Newton’s third law – each action has its counteraction…. Thank Allah, we’ll overcome our problems and win a victory. It will take time and power, it will kill our men, but we are prepared for this. We have grown on the resistance experience and sooner or later will prevail. If only for our children not to have to war.

Alexander Podrabinek, 15 May 2002.


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Chechen Republic Online - Quotes of Russian soldiers in Chechnya

"I remember a Chechen female sniper. We just tore her apart with two armored personnel carriers, having tied her ankles with steel cables. There was a lot of blood, but the boys needed it." - russian soldier
"Without atrocities, we'll get nowhere in Chechnya. We have to be cruel to them. Otherwise, we'll achieve nothing." - 21-year-old russian soldier
"You don't make it obvious, and they don't look too hard. Everyone understands that's the way it works." - 21-year-old russian soldier is being confident that authorities will make no serious effort to investigate war zone misconduct.
"What kind of human rights can there be in wartime? It's fine to violate human rights within certain limits." - 31-year-old russian police commando
"The easiest way is to heat your bayonet over charcoal, and when it's red-hot, to put it on their (Chechen) bodies, or stab them slowly. You need to make sure they feel as much pain as possible. The main thing is to have them (Chechens) die slowly. You don't want them to die fast, because a fast death is an easy death. They should get the full treatment. They should get what they deserve. On one hand it looks like an atrocity, but on the other hand, it's easy to get used to. I killed about nine people this way. I remember all of them." - Andrei, russian soldier
"Cutting ears may seem savage to some, but it has its explanations," said one commander. "It's an old tradition among the special forces--you cut off the ears of the enemy in order to later lay them on the tombstone of your friend who was killed in the war. . . . It's not a manifestation of barbarism. It's just our way of telling our deceased mate: Rest in peace. You have been avenged." - 33-year-old russian army officer
"I would kill all the (Chechen) men I met during mopping-up operations. I didn't feel sorry for them one bit." - Boris, russian soldier
"I remember a Chechen female sniper. She didn't have any chance of making it to the authorities. We just tore her apart with two armored personnel carriers, having tied her ankles with steel cables. There was a lot of blood, but the boys needed it." - Boris, russian soldier
"We would also throw fighters off the helicopters before landing. The trick was to pick the right altitude. We didn't want them to die right away. We wanted them to suffer before they died. Maybe it's cruel, but in a war, that's almost the only way to dull the fear and sorrow of losing your friends." - Boris, russian soldier
"Our hatred is against all Chechens, not just the individual enemies who killed your friends." - 23-year-old russian army officer
"It's much easier to kill them all (Chechens). It takes less time for them to die than to grow." - Valery, russian personnel officer
"So there will be one Chechen less on the planet, so what? Who will cry for him?" - Gennady, 24-year-old russian paratrooper
"I hated them when I fought in Chechnya, and I hate them now. I can't even watch TV when it shows Chechens--I feel all my muscles start to ache and I want to smash something." - Gennady, 24-year-old russian paratrooper
"Our commander told us all the time, 'There's no such thing as a Chechen civilian.' " - russian conscript
"It's easy for a person to get away with almost everything. You take this wretched Chechen down into a basement or a cellar under the guise of checking his documents in a quiet place. And then you just knock him off the way you want. There are no eyewitnesses, and no one will say anything." - Denis, russian major with the elite police forces
"Neither I nor the president has ever said there are no violations of human rights in Chechnya." - Vladimir A. Kalamanov, President Putin's special representative for human rights in Chechnya
"There are not enough psychologists in all of Russia to treat those who are returning." - 40-year-old russian police officer about new generation of troubled Russian soldiers with deep psychological problems, many of whom are violent.


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