CFS: cryptographic file system v0.01, 08/05/2002 Abstract Un file system cifrato basato sulle RPC Table of Contents 1 Panoramica ed utilizzo 2 Un esempio 1 Panoramica ed utilizzo Si basa su nfs e non richiede patch particolari. Consiste di un demone cfsd che gira su una porta dedicata la 3049, questo demone offre un servizio simile a quello che offrono mountd e nfsd, ma con l'aggiunta di un livello crittografico. Senza scendere ulteriormente in dettagli, per i quali esiste il file, nel quale si cita l'articolo del creatore del progetto apparso su ACM Matt Blaze, "A Cryptographic File System for Unix." Proc. 1st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Fairfax, VA, November 1993. passeremo direttamente ad illustrarne l'utilizzo pratico. Lo sviluppo di CFS e' rimasto fermo per diverso tempo recentemente su un progetto ha ripreso in mano il codice. Per prima cosa si creera quella che nella docs viene definita bootstrap directory e che viene esportata all'avvio come una normale directory condivisa con nfs. mkdir .cfsdir(o quello che vi piace di piu') chmod 0 .cfsdir Quindi sara' necessario inserire la riga corrispondete nel file /etc/exports perche' venga resa disponibile all'avvio come directory esportata via nfs alla propria interfaccia di loopback. /.cfsdir(o quello che vi piaceva di piu') localhost Avviato cfsd e' interessante dare un'occhiata allo stato delle porte del nostro sistema alla ricerca del demone girinox:/# netstat -na | grep 3049 udp 0 0* E' li' in attesa. A questo punto e' possibile procedere con il mount cosi' come avverrebbe per la normale esportazione di una directory, solo che al posto di utilizzare i consueti demoni sopra citati si indichera' come porta da contattare quella sull quale gira cfsd. girinox:/# mount -o port=3049,intr localhost:/.cfsd mount_point -o sono le opzioni che vengono passate al mount nel caso specifico del nfs con quest'ultime viene riempita una struttura di tipo struct nfs_mount_data. port indica la porta da contattare, come e' facile immaginare, intr e' un'opzione relativa al comportamento in caso di ricezione di un signale di interruzione durante l'operazione su di un file (man nfs). Ora e' possibile verificare che la risorsa sia effettivamente in uso: girinox:/# showmount --all All mount points on girinox: localhost:/.cfsfs Non rimane che utilizzare i comandi che cfs mette a disposizione per operare sul file system ed organizzarlo a nostro piacimento. La prima cosa che potremmo voler fare e' creare una o piu' directory per conservare i files. Per esempio una directory nella nostra home. girinox:~# cmkdir docs Questo crea una directory docs e ci domanda una passowrd con la quale verranno cifrati i files inseriti all'interno. Quest'ultimi non saranno pero' accessibili direttamente da questa posizione nel file system ( poiche' qui appaiono cifrati ): sara' possibile visionarli da /crypt/docs e solo dopo aver effettuato l'attach della directory attraveso il comando dattach. girinox:~# dattach ~/docs docs Ci verra' richiesta la password, se inserita correttamente la directory sara' ora accessibile in chiaro da /crypt/docs. Altrimenti sara' segnalato un errore. Questa operazione e' del tutto simile al mount di una directory. Possiamo immaginare che esista una zona d'ombra nel nostro file system che necessita di essere attivata e che solo in seguito all'attivazione venga resa disponibile in una zona in chiaro prestabilita (nel nostro caso la dir /crypt). Tutte le operazioni dovranno quindi essere svolte sul mount point in chiaro e la directory  /docs non dovrebbe essere mai toccata. In realta' qualsiasi operazione compiuta direttamente su  /docs, ha come risultato un file in chiaro che non risulta poi nella directory /crypt/docs. Per chiarire il concetto si provi ad effettuare l'attach della directory quindi a creare un file in /crypt/docs: girinox:~# cattach ~/docs docs Key: girinox:/crypt/docs# cd /crypt/docs girinox:/crypt/docs# touch pippo Si dia ora uno sguardo in  /docs girinox:/crypt/docs# cd ~/docs girinox:~/docs# ls 390feacfdb74ee3f Il cat di questo file probabilmente portera' sul terminale una serie di caratteri non stampabili e sarete costretti a digitare alla cieca reset per ripristinare le normali funzioni del terminale. Questo perche' il file non e' accessibile in chiaro da questa directory, ma solo da /crypt/docs. Se pero' si crea un file direttamente in  /docs girinox:~/docs# touch prova quest'ultimo sara' accessibile normalmente e non risultera' nella directory /crypt/docs. L'operazione contraria all'attach e' il deattach e si effettua con il comando cdetach. girinox:~# cdetach docs Questa operazione non rende piu' disponibile in chiaro la directory sotto /crypt, che torna ad essere una directory vuota. 2 Un esempio Le possibilita' offerte da questo sistema sono molteplici e piuttosto evidenti. Nella documentazione a corredo del pacchetto sono fornite le spiegazioni per inserire i comandi necessari a far partire il demone all'avvio della propria macchina e con un po' di fantasia si possono rendere sicuri una serie di file importanti che normalmente risultano in chiaro come file di database. Di seguito si proporra' un esempio pratico, un'idea semplice per ricavare un indirizzario sicuro. Gaby e' un indirizzario grafico basato su gtk. Mantiene di default il proprio database in una directory nascosta all'interno della home di ciascun utente. La cosa e' comunque personalizzabile da un menu nell'applicazione. L'idea e' chiaramente rendere il contenuto di questa directory cifrato. Postulando di mantenere l'impostazioni di default e quindi di avere una directory gaby nella propria home (che viene creata al primo avvio del programma, in caso non vi sia gia'), si procedera' a creare un'ulteriore directory nella propria home, questa volta non nascosta per contere i files cifrati. girinox:~# cmkdir gaby Si elimini quindi la directory nascosta .gaby, se esisteva gia' (ricordandosi di salvarne il contenuto in caso abbiate gia' utilizzato l'indirizzario) e la si renda un link simbolico a /crypt/gaby girinox:~# ln -s /crypt/gaby .gaby Questo link sara' un link cosi' detto broken sino a quando non si effettuera' l'attach della directory gaby, con questo si otterra' che gaby non parta neppure perche' incapace di trovare la directory con il database. girinox:~# cattach gaby gaby Per sveltire le operazioni di attach e deattach potrebbe essere utile uno script da lanciare ogni volta che si intenda utilizzare l'indirizzario ed ogni volta che si termini di consultarlo. Qualcosa del tipo: #!/bin/bash case $@ in start) /usr/bin/cattach ~/gaby gaby ;; stop) /usr/bin/cdetach gaby ;; *) echo "usage: $0 (start|stop)" ;; esac Altri comandi forniti con cfs: ccat, cname, cpasswd (man di ciascuno di questi per il loro utilizzo, quello che potrebbe essere piu' utile cpasswd per cambiare la passwd di accesso ad una directory) L'ultima versione di cfs e' la 1.4.1, esiste come pacchetto per quasi tutte le distro. Qui sotto potete consultare un documento piuttosto datato, ma sempre valido su cfs. Cryptographic File System under Linux HOW-TO LINUX SECURITY FAQ March 14, 1996 Copyright (C) 1996 Alexander O. Yuriev ( CIS Laboratories TEMPLE UNIVERSITY USA This document describes how to compile, install and setup CFS that was written by Matt Blaze of AT&T, under Linux. The following copyright statement copied directly from CFS 1.12 describes the restrictions on the CFS usage: * The author of this software is Matt Blaze. * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 by AT&T. * Permission to use, copy, and modify this software without fee * is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in * all copies of any software which is or includes a copy or * modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting * documentation for such software. * * This software is subject to United States export controls. You may * not export it, in whole or in part, or cause or allow such export, * through act or omission, without prior authorization from the United * States government and written permission from AT&T. In particular, * you may not make any part of this software available for general or * unrestricted distribution to others, nor may you disclose this software * to persons other than citizens and permanent residents of the United * States and Canada. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE AUTHORS NOR AT&T MAKE ANY * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY * OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Although the information in this document is believed to be correct, neither the Author nor CIS Laboratories, nor Temple University provides any kind of WARRANTIES and is not/are not responsible for what happens if you follow these guidelines. The information in this document is provided AS IS! ABOUT CFS CFS provides application-independent encryption/decryption of the filesystem layer that does not require modification of the underlying filesystem code nor any kind of modification of the kernel source. The symmetric cipher implemented in the mainstream version of CFS is based on the modified DES cipher running in CBC mode making the brute-force attack against the usual 56-bit DES key-space unrealistic. The structure of CFS makes replacement of the mainstream DES cipher with a Fast-DES or any other symmetric cipher an extremely straightforward process. Please refer to the "White" paper about CFS for more information ( COMPILING AND INSTALLING CFS CFS does not compile "out of the box" under Linux. Follow these instructions to get CFS running or your Linux system. There are several methods to make CFS work under Linux, the cleanest one of which is based on the modifications performed by Olaf Kirch. His version of CFS is available from: Olaf signed the modified archive. The PGP signature for the modified version of the cfs-1.1.2 can be obtained from In single-user mode, compile CFS by using the "make" command. After compilation is completed, install "cfsd", "cdetach", "ccat", "cmkdir", "cname" and "cattach" to the /usr/local/sbin directory with the ownership "root:wheel" and the access mode "551". Generate a list of MD5 hashes of the clean binaries. Now copy these files together with the "md5sum" to a media such as an image of a CD or a floppy and make the media write protected. Create the directory /.cfsfs which will be used as a hook for the CFS server. Make that directory owned by root:root and protected with access mode "000". Create the directory /securefs which will become a root of the CFS tree. Add the following lines into your /etc/rc.d/rc.local: echo -n "Initializing secure filesystem: " if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/cfsd ]; then /usr/local/sbin/cfsd > /dev/null echo -n "cfsd " /bin/mount -o port=3049,intr localhost:/.cfsfs /securefs echo -n "loopback " echo "done" else echo "Cryptographic Filesystem is not installed" fi Users of the Caldera Network Desktop and Red Hat Commercial Linux distributions should add the file "cfsfs" that is attached at the end of this document to their /etc/rc.d/init.d directory. Then symlink the file "S65cfsfs" to it in the appropriate run-level directories using the command: ln -s ../init.d/cfsfs S65cfsfs in /etc/rc.d/rcX.d, where X is a run-level number, add the line: /.cfsfs localhost to /etc/exports. Finally, add the line: portmap: to the /etc/hosts.allow file. You should now restart your computer. When it comes back into a multiuser mode, issue a mount command to verify that CFS is running. If everything was successful, you should see a new line in a list of filesystems: localhost:/.cfsfs on /securefs type nfs (rw,port=3049,intr,addr= CREATING CFS DIRECTORY To create a CFS protected directory called "secret" use the command cmkdir secret You will be requested to supply and verify the passphrase. If you succeed, a new directory named "secret" will appear in the current directory. This directory will contain encrypted information which will be accessible only in the encrypted form unless it is attached to the CFS tree. In order to add the "secret" directory to a list of directories managed by CFS, it has to be attached to the CFS tree using the command: cattach secret Big-Secret CFS will request you to type the access passphrase. If it matches the passphrase supplied to the "cmkdir" command that created the directory originally, then the information in the secret directory will be accessible in a non-encrypted form under /securefs/Big-Secret to the user who supplied the correct passphrase. Please note that usually it takes about a minute to attach a protected directory to the CFS tree. When the user is finished manipulating the information they should issue the command: cdetach Big-Secret to destroy the access key. This command removes the directory "secret" from the list of directories managed by CFS making it impossible to access cleartext information in that directory until it is again attached using the "cattach" command. PROTECTION OF CFS In order to grant a user access to encrypted parts of the directory tree, CFS requires the user to supply a passphrase that is used to generate a set of access keys. A compromise of a passphrase allows an intruder to access the encrypted information through the Unix security model. Therefore it is extremely important to protect access passphrases. There are two basic ways that can be used by intruders to gain access to your passphrase. They are (1) Sniffer attacks (2) Attack against the protocol. The following simple guidelines can be used to minimize the possibility of a successful attack against CFS: 1. Make sure that the CFS binaries are not compromised in any form. * Ensure that "cattach", "ccat", "cmkdir", "cname", the CFS server "cfsd" and finally, "cdattach" are not replaced with Trojan versions that record access passphrases or, in a case of "cfsd", access keys. * Ensure that the CFS server is not compromised in a way that it does not perform the encryption procedure correctly. * An attack against "cdeattach" usually involves a small modification that prevents correct destruction of access keys allowing an intruder to gain access to a supposedly detached part of the directory tree. The simplest way to verify that binaries are not compromised is to statically link them and place them on a CD. Another way is to again statically link the binaries, use "md5sum" message-digest calculator and write their MD5 hashes onto a write-protected media. Prior to using any CFS programs on a system, mount the floppy disk and compare MD5 hashes of binaries on the system with the hashes of the clean statically linked copies located on the floppy disk, replacing the compromised versions. 2. Keyboard grabbers used to grab passphrases as they are being typed rely on the fact that most users are careless enough to ignore the following simple guidelines: 1. When typing a passphrase in an xterm, make sure that the xterm program is not compromised and use the "Secure Keyboard" option while typing the passphrase. This prevents keystrokes from being intercepted by X grabbers. 2. Type passphrases from a terminal attached directly to a serial port of the system when such terminal is available. 3. Make sure that your pty and ttys permissions disallow others from reading your keystrokes directly from the device node. 3. Never type your passphrase across the network, even if the network is located behind a firewall and you trust everybody who is connected to your network not to use sniffers. This also applies to networks that use scrambling routers, because there is absolutely no guarantee that routers use a strong encryption or do not have a back door or a loophole that potentially can allow an intruder to defeat encryption used by a router. If you have to type your password across the network, do it only if you are using an encrypted tunnel between systems such as the one created by the deslogin(8) protocol. 4. Always de-attach CFS protected trees from the filesystem when not using them, even when you are leaving your system for "only" a couple of minutes. KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH CFS At this moment there is only one problem that can be reproduced. "Permission denied" error is generated when a user attempts to access the files located on a compact disc. CREDITS The following people helped in the preporation process of this document: Topher Hughes of the Dickinson College, Elie Rosenblum of the Montgomery Blair High School, Mario D. Santana of the Florida State University, Daniel P Zepeda and Olaf Kirch. ====================[cfsfs]====================== #!/bin/sh # # $Header: /Secure/secure-doc/linux/CFS/RCS/CFS-Doc,v 1.4 1996/03/15 04:49:37 alex Exp alex $ # # cfsfs Crypto filesystem # # Author: Alexander O. Yuriev # Derived from cron # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # See how we were called. case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting Crypto Filesystem: " if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/cfsd ]; then /usr/local/sbin/cfsd > /dev/null /bin/mount -o port=3049,intr localhost:/.cfsfs /securefs echo "done" else echo -n "Crypto Filesystem is not installed" fi touch /var/lock/subsys/cfsfs ;; stop) echo -n "Stopping Crypto filesystem: " umount /securefs killproc cfsd echo rm -f /var/lock/subsys/cfsfs ;; *) echo "Usage: cfsfs {start|stop}" exit 1 esac exit 0 ====================[end of cfsfs]======================