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GPGTools 2016.10

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  • GPG for Mail

    is an open source plugin for Apple Mail. Encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify mails using OpenPGP with a few simple clicks.

  • GPG Keychain

    is an open source application for Mac OS X. It allows you to manage your OpenPGP keys. Create and modify your keys and import the keys of your friends from a key server.

  • GPG Services

    is a plugin that brings GPG power to almost any application.
    It allows you to encrypt/decrypt, sign/verify and import keys from text selections, files, folders and much more.

  • MacGPG

    is the underlying power engine of our GPG Suite. If you're familiar with the command line use the raw power of it.
    Based onĀ gnupg 2.0.26.

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