[Radio di Massa] _B&B_ Martedì 25/02 dalle 10:30

Ogni mattina a Napoli quando sorge il sole (forse anche un po’ più tardi),
un* napoletan* si sveglia e cerca r’apparà ‘a jurnata.
Ogni martedì e giovedì dalle 10:30 B&B darà il buongiorno
a tutt* quell* che vogliono campa’ senza se ‘ntussecà.
Moka sul fuoco… si va in diretta…

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44 risposte a [Radio di Massa] _B&B_ Martedì 25/02 dalle 10:30

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  3. Cross dressing has been utilized by performers like comedian Barry Humphries, as a means of making a social statement. Humphries’ famous character Dame Edna Everage has become a popular entertainment figure. Through this character Humphries is able to explore and parody the construction of femininity. Dame Edna is deliberately extreme in her appearance, often wearing large ornate glasses and purple hair (Dame Edna The Official Site). She is an example of exaggerated femininity which borders on the grotesque. She is a loaded signifier, with her purple hair and extremely costume like clothes she is the epitome of gender as construction and denaturalises the idea that there is a natural gendered state. Such parody is not limited to cross dressing however, it can also be revealed through strategically designed garments like the Jean Paul Gaultier corset which Madonna famously wore.

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