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Palestina - Rafah: l'esercito israeliano uccide un 13enne e ferisce altre 11 persone
by Andrea Giudiceandrea Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003 at 11:40 AM mail:

A Rafah (Striscia di Gaza - Palestina Occupata) l'esercito di israeliano uccide un ragazzo di 13 anni e ferisce altre 10 persone di cui 5 bambini nel quartiere di Tel el Sultan. Un poliziotto palestinese viene ferito nella quartiere di Saleh e-Deen.

L'esercito di occupazione israeliano, nel pomeriggio del 25 febbraio 2003, ha aperto il fuoco dalle postazioni militari del checkpoint di Al Mawasi e da un tank (come quasi tutti i giorni e le notti) contro le abitazioni e gli abitanti del quartiere di Tel el Sultan a Rafah (Striscia di Gaza - Palestina Occupata). Vengono ferite 11 persone e le ambulanze accorse sono ugualmente sottoposte al fuoco israeliano che impedisce i soccorsi; un ragazzo di 13 anni, Ahmad Abu Elwan, colpito da una pallottola penetrata in casa attraverso la finestra, muore per le ferite riportate: l'ambulanza e' arrivata troppo tardi...
Degli altri 10 feriti sopravvissuti, 5 sono bambini.

In un altra zona della citta' di Rafah, vicino a Salah e-Deen Gate, viene anche ferito un poliziotto palestinese, mentre si trovava nel proprio ufficio, dai soldati israeliani appostati nella torre di difesa del "Muro dell'Apartheid" che il Governo di Israele sta costruendo lungo il confine con l'Egitto costringendo la popolazione ad evacuare la zona per i massicci spari e bombardamenti e demolendo centinaia di abitazioni.
Cinque attivisti dell'ISM presenti a Rafah dormiranno nelle case del quartiere per proteggere le famiglie che vi abitano.

ML Palsolidarity

From: "International Solidarity Movement" <>
Date: Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:31 pm
Subject: ISM Update of 25 February 2003
Rafah: Activists Sleep in Threatened Houses / Youth Murdered in Home

Residents of the area near Saleh e-Deen Street in Rafah began evacuating their neighbourhood today in response to a series of home demolitions carried out in the area by Israeli occupying forces. Also today at 3 pm a Palestinian policeman was shot and wounded through the window of his office by soldiers stationed in the Saleh e-Deen tower of the Apartheid Wall.

To protect the remaining homes from demolition five ISM activists (from the US and the UK) will be sleeping in two houses of the neighbourhood to protect the families still residing in them.

At 6 pm this evening all but two of the activists were called away from the Saleh e-Deen area to Tel e-Sultan when the residents of the area were fired upon from a tower at the Al Mawasa Checkpoint and a tank that drove along the Shareh Nusf road firing into their homes. Eleven people were wounded in the attack. The ISM were summoned because the ambulances that had been sent to rescue the wounded were being fired upon and so could not reach them.

By the time the activists arrived, however, the tank had left the area and the ambulances were allowed to retrieve the wounded.

For Ahmad Abu Elwan the ambulances arrived too late and he died of his wounds. Ahmad was 13 years old. He was shot through the back by a bullet that entered through the window of his house.

For further information contact:
Jehan on 067 515 576 or
Joe on 067 628 507.

MEDIAVIDEO 26/02/2003
p. 684 5/5

M.O.: deriti altri 5 bambini

Un ragazzino di 13 anni e' rimasto ucciso a Rafah, nel sud della Striscia di Gaza, da colpi sparati dall'esercito israeliano, che hanno causato anche dieci feriti, ci cui cinque bambini. Ahmad Abu Eluan e' stato colpito al petto da un proiettile di mitragliatrice e da schegge di granate sparate dai carri ermati, che hanno aperto il fuoco nel quartiere di Tel el Sultan, non lontano dalla frontiera con l'Egitto, controllata da Israele.

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Israeli Shells Kill Innocence in Cold Blood
by Palestine Chronicle Friday, Feb. 28, 2003 at 1:30 AM mail:

Israeli Shells Kill ...
dead_226.jpg, image/jpeg, 200x150

da Palestine Chronicle

Israeli Shells Kill Innocence in Cold Blood
Thursday, February 27 2003 @ 08:38 AM GMT

By Adel Zaarab

GAZA CITY - "Where is my beloved son?" she screamed, her knees to weak to help her stand. They carried her on a wheelchair to give a final send-off to her son.

Her tears started rolling down her cheeks as she saw her son lying in the morgue. She sat behind him, touched his forefront with her trembling hands and kissed him tenderly with everyone crying around her. The sepulchral silence was broken with a loud cry voiced by the martyr’s uncle, who called for avenging the killing of his innocent nephew.

She is the mother of the 14-year-old Ahmad Abu Elwan, who was shot dead cold-bloodedly by Israeli gunfire on Tuesday, February 25, while playing in front of his houses in Tal al-Sultan district, west of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli occupation troops fired a volley of artillery shells at the Palestinian houses in the region.

“Suddenly, we heard deafening explosions, which shook the entire area. I got out from my house, which was completely destroyed by two shells,” said Mahmoud Abul Fadl, an eyewitness to the massacre.

“I tried hard to take shelter from the 30-minute indiscriminate barbaric shelling of area. I did see a shell passing before my eyes to hit a car with shrapnel flying all over the area to kill Ahmad Abu Elwan, whose blood gushed forth by one of the shrapnel, which hit his back,” he added.

Elwan’s cousin Jihad lamented the death of Elwan by saying that he was a kind and docile sort of a person.

“He went out to bring a present to his 11-year-old brother Mahmoud on his birthday…he didn’t know that the family’s happiness would turn into sadness,” the tearful cousin said.

Jihad tried to calm down Elwan’s grandparents, who were dreaming that Elwan would someday bring them back to their birthplace in the Palestinian village of Zar Nouka from which they were forced to flee in 1948.

“The occupation kidnapped my grandson in a wink of an eye,” said Elwan’s grandmother, who was dumbfounded by the death of her grandson.

“I swear I would avenge (the death of Elwan)…Allah Almighty will avenge from the Nazi Jews,” shouted Elwan’s uncle.

The death of Elwan makes him the 216th Palestinian to be killed by Israeli troops in Rafah and the 76th child.

-[IslamOnline & News Agencies (] Published at the Palestine Chronicle.

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