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su indymedia israel
by commenti Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 9:47 PM mail:

commenti e appelli

Rachel was a beloved member of our community in Olympia, Washinton. She was so mush more than this article and her photo reveal, and we will miss her smile, her courage, her talented writing terribly. However, I believe that she would have wanted this to shed light on the system of brutality that killed her and so many other innocent people. She was not anti-semetic, and those who defend the IDF's genocidal operations (or the U.S.'s military support) with the lame excuse that protesters are "anti-semetic" are only brutalizing themselves and the memory of others who died in all-too-recent, state sponsored genocidal campaigns. Or has 60 years been enough time to forget?

This is from one of her first emails home to Olympia from Rafah. "...Even then you are always well aware that your experience of it is not at all the reality: what with the difficulties the Israeli Army would face of they shot an unarmed US citizen, and with the fact that I have money to buy water when the army destroys wells, and the fact, of course, that I have the option of leaving. Nobody in my family has been shot, driving in their car, by a rocket launcher from a tower at the end of a major street in my hometown. I have a home. I am allowed to go see the ocean. Ostensibly it is still quite difficicult for me to be held for months or years on end without a trial (this because I am a white US citizen, as opposed to so many others). When I leave for school or work I can be relatively certain that there will not be a heavily armed soldier waiting half way between mud bay and downtown olympia at a checkpoint with the power to decide whether I can go about my business, and whether I can get home again when I'm done. So, if I feel outrage at arriving and entering briefly and incompletely into the world in which these children exist, I wonder conversely about how it would be for them to arrive in my world.

They know that children in the United States don't usually have their parents shot and sometimes get to see the ocean. But once you have seen the ocean and lived in a silent place, where water is taken for granted and not stolen in the night by bulldozers, and spent an evening when you didn't wonder if the walls of your home might suddenly fall inward waking you from your sleep, and met people who have never lost anyone-- once you have experienced the reality of a world that isn't surrounded by murderous towers, tanks, armed "settlements" and now a giant metal wall, I wonder if you can forgive the world for all the years of your childhood spent existing--just existing-- in resistance to the constant stranglehold of the worlds fourth largest military apparatus--backed by the worlds only superpower-- in its attempt to erase you from your home. That is something I wonder about these children. I wonder what would happen if they really knew."

We love you Rachel, and we'll try to honor your memory as best we can by continuing to fight for justice.

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parlo italiano
by pasquale Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 10:07 PM mail:

non sarebbe possibile una sintesi tradotta?

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learn it paskuale
by Morskipas Sunday, Mar. 16, 2003 at 10:51 PM mail:

.......Paskuale....... ma va a kuel paese

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tradurre ed imparare
by wideangle Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 1:57 AM mail:

tradurre ed imparare...
rachel.jpg, image/jpeg, 406x309

non c'e' bisogno di tradurre certe cose, non c'e' bisogno di pensare che tutti sappiano tradurre certe cose, bastano le immagini, per interrompere la babele.
spero che possiate leggere l'attachment che invio.
un abbraccio

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by Arthur Dent Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 3:09 AM mail:

"Mr Dent," he said.
"Hello? Yes?" said Arthur.
"Some factual information for you. Have you any idea how much damage that bulldozer would suffer if I just let it roll straight over you?"
"How much?" said Arthur.
"None at all," said Mr. Prosser, and stormed nervously off wondering why his brain was filled with a thousand hairy horsemen all shouting at him.

- Chapter One of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," by Douglas Adams.

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by Aaron R Kulkis Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 8:58 AM mail:

Treasonous traitor bitch.
Good riddance.
Glad the dumb cunt is dead.

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great manners
by the.knud Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 9:58 AM mail:

wow, aaron, such style and wit paired with subtle respect for (your fellow?) humans. are you a professional eulogist?

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eulogy to a fool
by better manners Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 10:33 AM mail:

If the foolish woman and her friends would stop terrorists from manufacturing explosives and attacking civilians there would have been no need to bulldoze these homes and, if the lady in question had been less hare-brained (for Pete's sake, what did she think would have happened when she put herself in the way of a bulldozer?) in her manner of protesting she would still be alive. Pity for the loss of human life, but some people just look for trouble.

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bad manners
by Aaron S.Tupid Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:16 AM mail:

better manners:
it´s really hard to stop the u.s. armed forces from manufacturing explosives and killing civilians. you could eventually get tortured, locked away for life or killed on the electric chair, bombed on a bridge or in a bus on your way to work, get hit by a rocket while trying to flee from the war, or maybe even get run over by a bulldozer that´s being conducted by the u.s. allies.
or maybe you could get burned by napalm, die from cancer or step on a shell and burst to pieces.
actually, you don´t even have to try to stop the terrorists to be killed like that. they´d even do that without any reason, except for the one of profit.
you just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

@aaron: maybe you´ll be in the wrong place at the wrong time, asshole. maybe then you´ll receive a nice warm blow from a clenched fist, stupid fascist. or even some lead to your head. that´s called friendly fire. don´t ever post here again.

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better manners - a.k.a. mohammed al jihadi
by for my friend "Aaron" Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:24 AM mail:

"Aaron", my friend, why don't you and your friends who want peace so much, try and stop your adored suicide bombers next time they try to blow up some extremely dangerous students or housewives on a bus, in a market, a nightclub, etc?

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one thing
by Virgy Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:32 AM mail:

For the ones who are able only to insult a died person I can only say that in Italy we have a said:
The mother of idiots is always pregnant
This said suits you


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learn from history
by even better manners Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:33 AM mail:

maybe it would be time even for you, better manners, to learn about WHO built the radical islamistic forces up to be what they are now. maybe it was even their fellow terrorist from your beloved war-raging united states government- if you really studied past 30 years history you´d know that for instance, the hamas and other organisations were financed and trained by the cia to be a counterpart to the guerillas like pflp and dflp.
and don´t forget the huge sums of money and the excellent training that other us-allied organisations like the mujaheddin and the taliban received, which led to the killing of hundred thousands of innocent people, yes, especially women and children, and the incarceration and oppression of EVERY woman in afghanistan. or maybe in an allied coutry like saudi-arabia which is still being supported b the u.s. you know, better manners, nobody wants these mafia-type fundamentalists that blow up women and children and killing civilians is a crime. but if you think it over, -maybe- you´ll see that the u.s. government consists of fundamentalists that are responsible for the killing of MANY MORE women and children. studying hard before talking is also a proof of good manners. c u

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x Virgy
by Leo Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:38 AM mail:

Eh si, infatti ogni volta che un "kamikaze" (meglio chiamarli terroristi suicidi) si fa esplodere in mezzo a pericolosissimi bambini, studenti, massaie, vecchi, in questo sito non si leggono assolutamente MAI parole di esultanza.

Vai a ca*are, ipocrita.

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by angelo Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 12:36 PM mail:

sono solo dei delinquenti violenti assassini, mi viene quasi da dire purtroppo che hitler faceva bene

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Hitler faceva bene???
by Davide Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 12:48 PM mail:

Hitler faceva bene???
Perchè non mi lasci il tuo indirizzo così vengo da te e ne parliamo di persona?

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Nazistello brufoloso e butterato
by manuela Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 12:53 PM mail:

Se ci fosse ancora Hitler tu non avresti potuto esprimere alcuna idea a meno che non coincidesse con la sua,ma non è il tuo caso perchè i decerebrati erano i primi a essere fatti fuori

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Nazistello brufoloso e butterato
by manuela Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 12:58 PM mail:

Se ci fosse ancora Hitler tu non avresti potuto esprimere alcuna idea a meno che non coincidesse con la sua,ma non è il tuo caso perchè i decerebrati erano i primi a essere fatti fuori

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gurda che bello
by lele Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 2:26 PM mail:

non me la prenderei poi cosi' tanto, ormai il nazicomunismo nostrno ha finalmente gettato la maschera, per molti compagni di questo sito e non solo, hiltler e' diventato un eroe un esempio da rispolverare.
leggo spesso testuali parole "aveva ragione", "doveva terminare l'opera" "ha fatto bene" "da vittime a carnefici" chi piu' ne ha piu' ne metta.
per fortuna l'opinione pubblica che ragiona non la pensa affatto cosi'

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by scott Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 6:17 PM mail:

In reponse to people criticizing her, destroying houses for a political end is a form of terrorism. She was fighting terrorism even if it was not a form of terrorism that the US or other governments recognize in their war.

As far as her being "stupid" for standing in front of a bulldozer, that's exactly what my room mate from China was taught about the Tianamen square protesters standing in front of tanks.

Regardless of why she was at the bulldozing sight, it was an act of negligence at best to run her over.

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u forgot
by you forgot Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 6:24 PM mail:

u forgot...
corrie.jpg, image/jpeg, 410x297

You forgot 2 fundamental points, my friend:

1) soldiers driving an armored bulldozer have limited visibility because
of the narrow window.

2) One of the ISM founders admits the protesters might not have been as
disciplined in their protest as they should have been.

Most media reports failed to mention that the IDF bulldozer was looking
for tunnels used to smuggle arms from Egypt to Gaza. Istead, reports described the house sympathetically as "the home of a Gazan doctor."

And the entire mainstream media neglected to mention Corrie's anti-American activities and flag-burning.

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Unfortunately there is people who doesn't want to understand
by Il Supremo Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 6:30 PM mail:

Unfortunately as you can see, there are people who doesn't want to see the truth, the one who posted before me is the type of person who generally are called "servants" because he wants to deny the evidence of the fact just to defend the violent fascism of the Israel state.The fact that makes me angry is that this stupid man writes all this shit in a moment where his presence is really not necessary

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by ale Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 9:16 PM mail:

lo traduco io

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toccato sul punto
by francesco giordano Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 9:51 PM mail:

Ovvio che Hitler era un nazista criminale e non aveva certo ragione.
Mi chiedo però come mai vi scaldate così tanto per una frase stupida e state zitti verso i nazisti israeliani che praticano il calcolato genocidio verso il popolo palestinese.
Se vuoi parlarne lascia pure il tuo indirizzo, io spero sempre di riuscire a farti ragionare.
I due popoli, quello palestinese e quello israeliano, hanno diritto a vivere. Finora questo diritto viene negato ai palestinesi proprio dai nazisti israeliani. o no?

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toccato sul punto
by francesco giordano Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 9:52 PM mail:

Ovvio che Hitler era un nazista criminale e non aveva certo ragione.
Mi chiedo però come mai vi scaldate così tanto per una frase stupida e state zitti verso i nazisti israeliani che praticano il calcolato genocidio verso il popolo palestinese.
Se vuoi parlarne lascia pure il tuo indirizzo, io spero sempre di riuscire a farti ragionare.
I due popoli, quello palestinese e quello israeliano, hanno diritto a vivere. Finora questo diritto viene negato ai palestinesi proprio dai nazisti israeliani. o no?

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toccato sul punto
by francesco giordano Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 9:52 PM mail:

Ovvio che Hitler era un nazista criminale e non aveva certo ragione.
Mi chiedo però come mai vi scaldate così tanto per una frase stupida e state zitti verso i nazisti israeliani che praticano il calcolato genocidio verso il popolo palestinese.
Se vuoi parlarne lascia pure il tuo indirizzo, io spero sempre di riuscire a farti ragionare.
I due popoli, quello palestinese e quello israeliano, hanno diritto a vivere. Finora questo diritto viene negato ai palestinesi proprio dai nazisti israeliani. o no?

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colpito nel segno
by francesco giordano Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 9:59 PM mail:

Ovvio che Hitler era un criminale e non aveva nessuna ragione di esistere, ma come mai vi scaldate così tanto per una stupida battuta e non dite nulla sui crimini dei nazisti israeliani?
Se vuoi lascia pure il tuo indirizzo ne potremo parlare, io spero sempre di convincerti che i due popoli, quello palestinese e quello israeliano, hanno diritto a vivere. Finora abbiamo assistito al feroce sterminio dei palestinesi da parte dei nazisti israeliani, che non solo occupano la loro terra, ma li affamano, gli impediscono di vivere, e lentamente, come una assassina clessidra, giono per giorno li ammazzano.

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by la trovate Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 10:28 PM mail:

We do not have gas chambers and crematoria, but there is no one fixed method for genocide.

Published in Ha'aretz March 6th, 2003

Dr. Ya'akov Lazovik writes ("Academic Genocide", "Ha'Aretz", 4 March) that in the State of Israel it is impossible that the regime and the nation will plan and commit a genocide. It is difficult to determine if this is naivety or self-righteousness. As we know, there is no single fixed method for murder and not even for genocide. The author Y. L. Peretz wrote about "the righteous cat" that does not spill blood, but only suffocates.
The government of Israel, using the military and its instruments of destruction, is not only spilling blood, but it is also suffocating. What other name can be given to the dropping of a one-ton bomb over a dense urban area, when the justification uttered is that we wanted to murder a dangerous terrorist and his wife? The rest of the citizens who were killed and injured, among whom are children and women, do not count, of course.
How is it possible to explain the expulsion of citizens from their homes at three o'clock in the morning on a rainy night, then depositing bombs in the house and then departing without warning? When those expelled returned to their home, the bombs were exploded and a brutal murder and destruction of property was thus committed.
In addition, what is the justification for what happened in Jenin? We did not destroy the whole neighborhood, just 85 houses; it was not slaughter, we killed only 50-some citizens. How many does one need to murder and destroy for it to be a crime? - A crime against humanity, as determined by the Laws of the State of Israel, not only the laws of Belgium.
And more: A curfew and closure of an entire city so that a few celebrants from the racist bunch in Hebron could walk to the Cave of the Fathers, and tanks destroying fruit and vegetable stands, and bulldozers that destroy houses, and Generals who, in their arrogant hubris, are willing to destroy a whole neighborhood for the convenience of a group of settler hooligans. Curfew, closure, brutality, murder, destruction of homes of suspects, while we keep parroting the incantation that a person is innocent until proven otherwise (as in the case of our Prime Minister and his sons).
The order that Ariel Sharon gave to the soldiers who went to wreak revenge in Qibiah: "Maximize losses in life and property", has not been forgotten. Today Sharon, Mofaz and Yaalon, the three Generals who manage the policy of this government, behave like that self-righteous cat - suffocating all the time. Curfew and another curfew, arrests and more arrests, destruction of roads, brutality to the residents at road stops. Benny Alon, (a minister in the present government), already said: "make their life so bitter that they will transfer themselves willingly".
This is done on a daily basis, in addition to the destruction. The Chief of Staff, Yaalon, already announced that he is "destroying for re-building". One can understand from his moves that the "building" is building of more and more settlements. So that they will not be obliged, as military rulers, to take care of the residents' well-being, the army uses sorties, followed by retreats. They enter a village, they kill, they destroy and they arrest, and then they retreat. Those who remain on the ashes and the ruins will take care of themselves.
Many of our children are being indoctrinated, in religious schools that the Arabs are Amalek, and the bible teaches us that Amalek must be destroyed. Already a rabbi (Israel Hess) wrote in the newspaper of Bar Ilan University that we all must commit genocide, and that is because his research showed that the Palestinians are Amalek.
The nation is not planning to commit genocide; the nation really does not want to know what is happening in the territories. The nation is following orders given by the legitimate representatives of the regime. After the legitimate Prime Minister who wanted to bring peace was murdered, the hand is loose on the trigger, greed is paramount, and there is always some reason to brutalize all of the residents of a city that number tens, if not hundreds of thousands, because there are always people there who are on the "wanted" list. It is sufficient that one person is wanted to bomb and kill, by mistake, of course, also women, children, workers and other humans - if indeed we still count them as humans.
Of course, with our self-righteousness, with our self-adoration in our "Jewish ethics" we make sure to advertise how beautifully the doctors take care of Palestinian victims in the hospitals. We do not advertise how many of those are executed in cold blood in their own homes.
Therefore, it is not yet genocide of the terrible and unique style of which we were past victims. Moreover, as one of the smart Generals told me, we do not have crematoria and gas chambers. Is anything less than that consistent with Jewish ethics? Did he ever hear how an entire people said that it did not know what was done in its name?
(The author Shulamit Aloni was an MK and a minister, member of Meretz.)

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by la trovate Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 10:28 PM mail:

We do not have gas chambers and crematoria, but there is no one fixed method for genocide.

Published in Ha'aretz March 6th, 2003

Dr. Ya'akov Lazovik writes ("Academic Genocide", "Ha'Aretz", 4 March) that in the State of Israel it is impossible that the regime and the nation will plan and commit a genocide. It is difficult to determine if this is naivety or self-righteousness. As we know, there is no single fixed method for murder and not even for genocide. The author Y. L. Peretz wrote about "the righteous cat" that does not spill blood, but only suffocates.
The government of Israel, using the military and its instruments of destruction, is not only spilling blood, but it is also suffocating. What other name can be given to the dropping of a one-ton bomb over a dense urban area, when the justification uttered is that we wanted to murder a dangerous terrorist and his wife? The rest of the citizens who were killed and injured, among whom are children and women, do not count, of course.
How is it possible to explain the expulsion of citizens from their homes at three o'clock in the morning on a rainy night, then depositing bombs in the house and then departing without warning? When those expelled returned to their home, the bombs were exploded and a brutal murder and destruction of property was thus committed.
In addition, what is the justification for what happened in Jenin? We did not destroy the whole neighborhood, just 85 houses; it was not slaughter, we killed only 50-some citizens. How many does one need to murder and destroy for it to be a crime? - A crime against humanity, as determined by the Laws of the State of Israel, not only the laws of Belgium.
And more: A curfew and closure of an entire city so that a few celebrants from the racist bunch in Hebron could walk to the Cave of the Fathers, and tanks destroying fruit and vegetable stands, and bulldozers that destroy houses, and Generals who, in their arrogant hubris, are willing to destroy a whole neighborhood for the convenience of a group of settler hooligans. Curfew, closure, brutality, murder, destruction of homes of suspects, while we keep parroting the incantation that a person is innocent until proven otherwise (as in the case of our Prime Minister and his sons).
The order that Ariel Sharon gave to the soldiers who went to wreak revenge in Qibiah: "Maximize losses in life and property", has not been forgotten. Today Sharon, Mofaz and Yaalon, the three Generals who manage the policy of this government, behave like that self-righteous cat - suffocating all the time. Curfew and another curfew, arrests and more arrests, destruction of roads, brutality to the residents at road stops. Benny Alon, (a minister in the present government), already said: "make their life so bitter that they will transfer themselves willingly".
This is done on a daily basis, in addition to the destruction. The Chief of Staff, Yaalon, already announced that he is "destroying for re-building". One can understand from his moves that the "building" is building of more and more settlements. So that they will not be obliged, as military rulers, to take care of the residents' well-being, the army uses sorties, followed by retreats. They enter a village, they kill, they destroy and they arrest, and then they retreat. Those who remain on the ashes and the ruins will take care of themselves.
Many of our children are being indoctrinated, in religious schools that the Arabs are Amalek, and the bible teaches us that Amalek must be destroyed. Already a rabbi (Israel Hess) wrote in the newspaper of Bar Ilan University that we all must commit genocide, and that is because his research showed that the Palestinians are Amalek.
The nation is not planning to commit genocide; the nation really does not want to know what is happening in the territories. The nation is following orders given by the legitimate representatives of the regime. After the legitimate Prime Minister who wanted to bring peace was murdered, the hand is loose on the trigger, greed is paramount, and there is always some reason to brutalize all of the residents of a city that number tens, if not hundreds of thousands, because there are always people there who are on the "wanted" list. It is sufficient that one person is wanted to bomb and kill, by mistake, of course, also women, children, workers and other humans - if indeed we still count them as humans.
Of course, with our self-righteousness, with our self-adoration in our "Jewish ethics" we make sure to advertise how beautifully the doctors take care of Palestinian victims in the hospitals. We do not advertise how many of those are executed in cold blood in their own homes.
Therefore, it is not yet genocide of the terrible and unique style of which we were past victims. Moreover, as one of the smart Generals told me, we do not have crematoria and gas chambers. Is anything less than that consistent with Jewish ethics? Did he ever hear how an entire people said that it did not know what was done in its name?
(The author Shulamit Aloni was an MK and a minister, member of Meretz.)

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u forgot to think
by i didn´t Monday, Mar. 17, 2003 at 11:54 PM mail:

you forgot, my friend, to mention that killing a defenseless, unarmed person is absolutely o.k. if the window is narrow. it´s absolutely ok to find that ok if your mind is narrow, too, and maybe one day one of your kids will be run over by a drunk driver but that´s ok cause maybe that driver´s sight was blinded.
it´s ok to defend the killing of a person if that person burnt a united states flag. you know, "u forgot", you forgot to think.
to burn a united states flag is absolutely o.k. it harms no one and if your feelings are hurt, you should think about why this might happen, why your gringa sister did this. she cared about things that you don´t give a shit about, like justice, and stood up against genocide.
don´t call that flag "american", i myself am an american, but america is NOT the united states only. this flag is one of oppression, slavery and colonialism. if being a daughter or a son of the americas and at the same time being against the criminals that try to rule in our name is being anti-american, be it.
but i say the ones that are anti-american are the ones that ruin our continents, and even in their "homeland", the u.s. are responsible for this situation: thousands of women are beaten to death every year by their husbands, one million youth are in jail, 11000 are murders committed every year a significant number of people live in poverty. compared to that, burning a united states flag is an act of benediction.
and if you defend the crimes of the u.s. government and their allies in the name of muder and profit, and justify killing an unarmed person because she´s burnt a flag,
YOU ARE A FASCIST and should go f yourself.

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by Ben Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 12:24 PM mail:

Rachel died practising peaceful protest. In the long run it is most effective as we know from the successes of Ghandi and Martin luther King. Leading Palestinians to this form of protest as an alternative to the violent one's is precisely a way to stop suicide bombers and save Isreali lives.

Only those who deny Palestinians ANY right to protest can we describe Rachel's actions as stupid. Anyone else will recognize that she was working for the interests of peace, for Palestinians AND Isrealis.

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4 Ben
by observer Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 12:27 PM mail:

The house being demolished was used to cover up tunnels used to smuggle weapons and explosives from Egypt to Gaza. The ISM must be perfectly aware of this. Now can you please explain what is "peaceful" about defending such a place?

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PLZ STOP THIS $%&$/!!!
by Herman Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 12:46 PM mail:

"The house being demolished was used to cover up tunnels used to smuggle weapons and explosives from Egypt to Gaza"


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non violence explained
by Ben Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003 at 4:42 PM mail:

> Now can you please explain what is "peaceful" about defending such a place?

Yes: she wasn't armed or attempting to harm anyone.

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by joh Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 at 2:55 PM mail:

You sir, are a bonehead. I suppose you believe it's OK to murder several school children, as long as they are Jewish. You facist, nazi scum. Why is it OK with you for a murdering, genocidal maniac to threaten his neighbors, but not OK to stop him? I should add that you are a coward.

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An intelectual discussion
by Ben Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 12:58 PM mail:

Murderers, their houses and their neighbourhood to be treated like those of the killer of Yitzhak Rabin: All those with a proven involvment should be punished as appropriate by a court of law.

Or should Isreal's fair justice system should not apply to palestinians?

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intelligent discussion
by 4 Ben Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:07 PM mail:

Please elaborate your first comment better because it is unintelligible.

As for your second comment, I want to point out that the palestinians living in the areas under PA control are NOT Israeli citizens and are therefore not subject to Israeli courts of law (knowing how "fair" palestinian trials are, it would be much better for them if they were).
On the other hand, Israeli Arab citizens ARE subject to Israeli courts of law.

Regarding the "peaceful" protest, these people should go and demonstrate also against the vile terrorist attacks committed against Israeli civilians. Perhaps these "pacifists" could offer themselves to drive Israeli busses?

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4 me,
by Ben Friday, Mar. 21, 2003 at 1:34 PM mail:

Sorry to have been unintelligble: i suppose i was trying to use a relevant example of how a murderer and his accomplices should be dealt with: tried, proven guilty and condemned.

It's a fair point that Isreali jurisdiction does not apply to PA controlled territory, but that does no excuse the guilt by association or summary justice being delivered. I don't think anyone in Isreal would have accepted that Yigal Amir's family home had been buldozered before he went to trial.

You're also right to say that peace protest should involve more condemnation of crimes commited against Isrealis. I guess protests tend to be against states rather than individual nutcases.

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What a stupid pig
by Three Dimesional (unlike Rachel) Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 4:07 AM mail:

She deserved to die. Not only am I glad she was flattened for her stupidity, I'm glad the bulldozer backed up over her again. It's just too bad the driver didn't scribble back and forth across her useless carcass a few more times. I never cared about the Palestinians vs the Israelis before, but after reading so many of your ignorant comments, I can safely say that I am completely on the side of Israel and if there's anything I can ever do to send even one of these Palestinian pigs back to their beloved devil, I will.

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Read a bit more
by Ben Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 10:21 AM mail:

So before you had no opinion and after reading only this discussion you have made your mind up on such a complex issue?

I find that hard to believe. Or are you really that dumb?

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le mamme dei cretini...
by KDK Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 11:47 AM mail:

infatti le donne comuniste hanno una percentuale elevatissima di gravidanze... (infact communist women have a very high percentage of pregnancies...)

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