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Heavy Fighting In Fallujah
by Arab Voice Friday, Dec. 31, 2004 at 6:22 AM mail:  

Heavy Fighting In Fallujah Results In High US Death Toll

Heavy Fighting In Fallujah Results In High US Death Toll
Dec 30, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited By JUS

A member of the Counsultative Council of the Mujahideen of Fallujah and the official spokesman for the committee, Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi, told Mafkarat al-Islam on Wednesday that the final count for the days fighting was 16 US vehicles set ablaze, including nine armored vehicles, four Humvees and three giant Abrams tanks. More than 60 US troops were killed, he said and 13 US fire arms were seized as well as a number of suits of body armor and helmets.

Abu As‘ad ad-Dulaymi said that 24 Mujahideen were killed in the day’s fighting, including eight fraternal Arab fighters from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Yemen. The US troops in the end, ran from the battle field he said, “running, not trotting, may God be praised.”

As to the last three days during which news from Fallujah was cut off, the Shaykh said that “there were two battles in which we lost many of our heroic fighters, but we took out of them [the enemy soldiers] double the number of men we lost. They lost 140 US soldiers during the past three days.”

A correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam went into the village of al-Azraqiyah west of al-Fallujah on Wednesday and said that for the first time in nearly a month prayers were said in the al-Faruq Mosque in the al-Andalus neighborhood, and in the al-Furqan Mosque in the al-Jumhuriyah neighborhood. He said that he personally saw three Mujahideen attack a US command post in the al-Jaghifi neighborhood where there were about 11 US soldiers and 10 puppet “national guards.” Three Mujahideen, one carrying a BKC machine gun and the other two armed with RPG7s as well as hand grenades opened fire on the US command post, killing three American troops and three puppet guards. At that point dozens of US troops massed three together with members of the puppet guards and clashed with the three Resistance fighters. The battle lasted almost half an hour, from 12 noon until 12:30pm local time when the Resistance fighters ran out of ammunition and withdrew from the place in the blink of an eye.

One of the amazing things that the correspondent witnessed during that battle was that whenever the three Mujahideen advanced in any direction, the Americans and their puppet “national guards” fled in the opposite direction, showing the extent to which the American troops in Fallujah have been beset by fear and panic when they encounter the Resistance forces.

Fighting in the city came to a halt at 8pm Wednesday night. Dozens of US troops were reported killed and wounded.

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US Forces Use Refugee Families As Human Shields
by JUS Friday, Dec. 31, 2004 at 6:24 AM mail:  

New American Outrage: US Forces Use Refugee Families As Human Shields
Dec 30, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited By JUS

In a dispatch posted at 6:40pm Wednesday evening, Mecca time (7:40pm local time), Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces at 4pm Wednesday had launched an attack attempting to break into the an-Nazal neighborhood in the southern, Resistance-held part of Fallujah. The Americans attempted to make use of the return of refugees to the city as cover for their assault, driving a number of refugee families ahead of them into the neighborhood as human shields.

The families became aware that they were being used as pawns in the Americans’ game after the Mujahideen called out to them, telling them to go back because the Americans were using them as bait in an attempt to storm the neighborhood. The families therefore dispersed, as the US forces heard the Mujahideen calls as well, and understood that their little game was up. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in the city commented, however that had it not been for the presence of journalists and members of the Iraqi Red Crescent on the scene, the American troops would have simply forced the families to go on. This they were unwilling to do in the presence of witnesses.

Afterwards, US forces attempted to break into an-Nazal neighborhood making use of fighter bomber air support. The Mujahideen stood up to them, however, sparking a battle between themselves and the American attackers after the US forces got to al-Kubaysat Street, the first major street in the an-Nazal neighborhood. There more than 200 Mujahideen all along the al-Kubaysat Street as well as Shaykh Khalil al-Fayyad Street attacked the US troops. The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the battle was still under way when he filed his report

At the time of the report, at least seven US military vehicles had been destroyed in the fighting and about 25 American troops killed.

The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent also reported that the Mujahideen was able to recover the bodies of 14 Arab Resistance fighters who had been killed in the fighting, including that of 55-year old Shaykh al-Jalil Abu Bakr al-Hijazi from the Hijaz area where Mecca and al-Madinah are located. He fell on the battlefield after single-handedly holding back the advance of an entire American column for 15 minutes, until relief fighters were able to move up to relieve him. He was found dead, his beard dyed red with blood.

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Resistance Fighters Keep Pressure On US Forces
by Abu Nasr Friday, Dec. 31, 2004 at 6:25 AM mail:  

Resistance Fighters Keep Pressure On US Forces Throughout Iraq
Dec 30, 2004
By Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice; Edited By JUS

Resistance fighters kept pressure on US forces throughout Iraq on Wednesday as the fighting continues and hostility towards US military presence in the country continues to grow among the local population, with a mounting death toll on both sides.


Bomb destroys US Humvee, kills four American troops in Abu Ghurayb

A high-explosive Resistance bomb blew up and destroyed a US Humvee in the as-Sailawat neighborhood of Abu Ghurayb at about 8am Wednesday, reportedly killing four US troops.

Resistance Video Shows Humvee Blown Up In Abu Ghurayb

The Resistance organization Brigades of the 1920 Revolution has issued a video showing their demolition of a US Humvee with a bomb in Abu Ghurayb. Al-Jazeera satellite TV broadcast the video on Wednesday showing the Humvee proceeding along a street until it is blown up in a powerful explosion. Smoke and flame can be seen coming from the wreckage of the US vehicle.

The Brigades of the 1920 Revolution have recently been issuing video tapes of their attacks on US targets in Iraq, via websites and news organs in an apparent attempt to break through the wall of lies erected by the US media regarding the situation in Iraq.

More Attacks On US Forces In Abu Ghurayb

At 7:30am Wednesday, an Resistance bomb exploded under a US patrol in the Ibrahim ibn ‘Ali area of Abu Ghurayb, destroying a Humvee and reportedly killing three US troops.

An Resistance bomb exploded in the az-Zaydan village area of Abu Ghurayb at 12:30pm Wednesday, destroying a Humvee and reportedly killing two US troops and seriously wounding two more.

An Resistance roadside bomb exploded as US forces were proceeding along the Old Road in the al-Kharnabat area of Abu Ghurayb at 1:45pm Wednesday, destroying a Humvee and reportedly killing four US troops.

A Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed a US Abrams tank west of Abu Ghurayb on Wednesday at 3pm, reportedly killing three US troops and wounding two more with severe burns.

Resistance fighters detonated two bombs by remote control, destroying an American Abrams tank in the Ibrahim ibn ‘Ali area of Abu Ghurayb at 5pm Wednesday.

US Bradley Destroyed In Ad-Duwaylibah

A heavy Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed a US Bradley armored vehicle in the ad-Duwaylibah area near Baghdad at 8:15am Wednesday, reportedly killing four US troops.

Attacks In As-Suwayrah

An Resistance bomb exploded and destroyed a Humvee and a US military truck in as-Suwayrah at 9:30am Wednesday, reportedly killing four US troops and wounding one more, a female American soldier.

An Resistance roadside bomb exploded and destroyed a US Humvee in as-Suwayrah at 4pm Wednesday, reportedly killing two US troops.

Bomb Destroys Humvee In Al-Mahmudiyah ,

An Resistance bomb exploded in al-Mahmudiyah at 11am Wednesday, destroying a Humvee and reportedly killing two US troops and wounding two more.

Resistance Attacks North Of Baghdad On Wednesday

Resistance fighters armed with RPG7 rockets attacked two US trucks, one military the other civilian in the al-Mushahadah area of at-Taji north of Baghdad at about 9am Wednesday, destroying the two trucks and reportedly killing four US troops.

Resistance fighters attacked and destroyed two civilian fuel tank trucks in the Hur al-Basha area of at-Taji, north of Baghdad at 1pm Wednesday, reportedly killing four Turkish drivers aboard the two trucks.

An Resistance land mine exploded on a dirt road in the al-Ishaqi area of Samarra’ District at 2:30pm Wednesday, destroying a Bradley armored vehicle and reportedly killing five US troops aboard it.

Resistance Attacks On US Forces In Ad-Durah

An Resistance bomb exploded in the ‘Arab Jabbur area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 11:30am Wednesday, destroying a Humvee and reportedly killing three US troops.

Resistance forces armed with RPG7 rockets, BKC machine guns, and sniper rifles, attacked US troops at 3:30pm Wednesday, destroying a Humvee and one Bradley armored vehicle, and disabling another Bradley, and reportedly killing six US troops.

Deadly Resistance Ambush: Two Car Bombs Blast US Column ,

Resistance fighters mounted an ambush in the al-Bu ‘Isa area on the southern outskirts of Baghdad on Wednesday. Eyewitnesses reported that the attack took place at about 3pm and that two Resistance car bombs driven by martyrdom fighters plowed into a US column and exploded at the same time. Then Resistance fighters attacked with RPG7 and SPG9 rockets as well as light and medium arms. The sudden and powerful attack left 36 Americans dead.

The Resistance organization Brigades of Islamic Unity claimed responsibility for the attack and promised more to come.

Resistance Attacks On Collaborators In The Baghdad Area

Eyewitnesses reported to Mafkarat al-Islam that in the Mafraq ‘Ulwat ar-Rashid in the southern Baghdad suburb or ad-Durah, Resistance forces driving a black car opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on two lackeys of the US occupation regime, reportedly killing them at 7:30am Wednesday morning.

Resistance fighters assassinated an official in the Shi‘i chauvinist collaborationist Badr Brigades in the al-Jam‘iyat area in the al-‘Amil neighborhood at 8:30am Wednesday. The Resistance fighters opened fire with Kalashnikov assault rifles on the official as he left his home.

Resistance fighters firing Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and reportedly killed two lackeys of the US occupation in the al-Bu ‘Isa area of the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah at 10am Wednesday.

Resistance forces armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles assassinated a lackey of the US occupation in the al-I‘lam neighborhood of Baghdad at 10am Wednesday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported.

Resistance fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and reportedly killed a lackey of the US occupation forces in the at-Tubji area near the as-Salam neighborhood of Baghdad at 1pm Wednesday.

Resistance forces armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles shot and reportedly killed three Badr Brigade gunmen in a Prince car in the al-Baladiyat area of Baghdad at 2:30pm Wednesday afternoon.

Eyewitnesses reported that Iraqi Resistnace fighters armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles reportedly killed a Badr Brigade gunman in Abu Ghurayb at 3pm Wednesday.

Resistance Fighters Blow Up House During Raid

Mafkarat al-Islam reported on Wednesday that Iraqi puppet police stormed into a house in the al-Ghazaliyah neighborhood of southern Baghdad at 10:30pm Tuesday night after they had received a tip that fraternal Arab Resistance fighters were inside.

Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that the puppet police used loudspeakers to call out to those inside the house to come out. When nothing happened, they attempted to storm the home from four sides at once. At that point the Resistance fighters blew up the building with themselves inside, completely destroying the house and four other neighboring houses as well. Yet another four houses were severely damaged by the force of the enormous blast. Local residents said that the home was being rented by three Sudanese and two Syrians, all reportedly killed in the attack, along with 30 others, including nine puppet police and the rest members of the neighboring families.

US Storms City Of Al-Habbaniyah

Early on Wednesday morning, US forces surrounded the city of al-Habbaniyah, west of Baghdad near al-Fallujah and raided numerous houses in the city.

On Tuesday, the Resistance inflicted heavy losses on the American invaders when it pounded their al-Hadbah military camp, used an airstrip for American fighter-bombers and helicopters, with about 33 rockets of various types. Three US helicopters were destroyed in an attempt to put out the raging fires started by the rocket barrage. Witnesses reported that the rocket attack struck fuel supply tanks that burned for a long time.

Eyewitnesses told Mafkarat al-Islam that US forces stormed into the city and began raiding and searching homes. No fighting was reported at the time when the Americans burst into the city.

US forces prevented the residents of al-Habbaniyah from entering or leaving the city. They arrested several men, including some elderly individuals.

Resistance Bomb Attack Near Ar-Ramadi

A heavy Resistance bomb exploded under a US troop transport vehicle in the Bu Farraj area, five kilometers from ar-Ramadi at 3pm Wednesday afternoon, destroying the vehicle and reportedly killing six US troops and wounding four more.


Resistance forces attacked and destroyed a Nissan pickup belonging to the puppet so-called “Iraqi national guard” in al-Latifiyah at 8am Wednesday, reportedly killing five puppet guards.

Resistance bombs exploded in the al-Jannabiyin area west of al-Latifiyah at 10:30am Wednesday, destroying a military fuel tank truck, and reportedly killing two US troops.

An Resistance forces detonated a bomb in the al-Jannabiyin area west of al-Latifiyah under a US column and then Resistance fighters attacked with RPG7 rockets, destroying a Humvee and disabling a Bradley armored vehicle at 1:30pm Wednesday. Six American troops were reportedly killed and three more were severely wounded.


Resistance Car Bomb Crashes Into US Facility, Reportedly Killing Nine

An Resistance car bomb slammed into a building used by US occupation troops as a headquarters in the New Mosul neighborhood of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul early Wednesday afternoon, leading to a fierce battle between Resistance fighters and US aggressor troops.

More than nine US troops were reportedly killed in the car bombing that took place at about 1pm local time, according to puppet police statements to the correspondent of Mafkarat al-Islam in the city.

The correspondent said that after the car bombing, US and puppet police forces mounted intensive patrols in the New Mosul neighborhood and also in the al-Yarmuk neighborhood, setting off grueling battles with an estimated 100 Resistance fighters that began at 4:35pm. The fighting was still under way when the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent submitted his report, posted at 5:40pm Mecca time Wednesday night.

Clouds of thick smoke could be seen rising from the two-story building that had been struck by the car bomb. Several American military vehicles were ablaze in the al-Yarmuk neighborhood where the fighting was going on. Altogether about eight US vehicles had been destroyed at the time of the report.


Allawi Policemen Refuse Orders To Go To Al-Fallujah

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in as-Samawah, 270km south of Baghdad reported that more than 30 members of the puppet police force have refused an American order to proceed to al-Fallujah to serve the US occupation there for three months. A number of puppet police officers told Mafkarat al-Islam that going to al-Fallujah means going to their death, and they threatened to quit work in the puppet police force if the American occupation and its puppet regime insisted on their going there.

US forces and the American-installed puppet regime tried to get the former al-Fallujah police force to return to work in the city after the American assault on al-Fallujah, but they refused to cooperate with the occupation. The US has, as a result, been compelled to try to round up puppet police from elsewhere in the country, bringing some 800 puppet forces from Baghdad, al-Basrah, and Ba‘qubah. Of the puppet forces, 200 fled and were captured by US forces and are now being held prisoner on an American base.

Bombardments Wednesday

• At 6am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.

• At 7am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired seven 82mm mortar rounds into the US al-Muthanna airbase in Baghdad.

• At 8:30am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired three 60mm mortar rounds into the British al-Mahawil base north of al-Hillah in southern Iraq.

• At about 10am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired five 120mm mortar rounds into the southern US base in Tikrit.

• At 10:30am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired two Grad rockets into the US al-Bakr base in Balad, north of Baghdad.

• At 11am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired four Grad rockets into the US camp set up in the military academy in ar-Rustamiyah.

• At about 11am Wednesday, Resistance forces fired eight Grad rockets into the headquarters of the US occupation in the Republican Palace area of Baghdad, setting off fires as warning sirens wailed inside the American compound.

• At 2pm Wednesday, Resistance forces fired three 82mm mortar rounds into the so-called “Iraqi ministry of petroleum” on Palestine Street in Baghdad. The bombardment took place at the time when employees of the “ministry” were coming out and as a result several of them were wounded.

• At 3pm Wednesday, Resistance forces fired four Katyusha rockets into the US facility set up in the former Iraq Meat Company in ‘Uwayrij, south of Baghdad, sending thick smoke rising into the sky over the camp.

• At 4:30pm Wednesday, Resistance forces fired nine 82mm mortar rounds into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad, sending smoke rising into the sky over the base.

• At 5:30pm Wednesday, Resistance forces fired two Katyusha rockets into the US as-Suqur base south of Baghdad.

• At 6pm Wednesday, Resistance forces fired three 60mm mortar rounds into the Presidential Palace on Hayfa Street in Baghdad’s al-Karakh District.

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