ASSAD va in Arabia Saudita; ufficialmente per parlare del Libano, ufficiosamente per fare lo scambio. LASCI IL LIBANO e TI PRENDI L'IRAN, se ti comporti BENE...
<URL: President Assad arrives in Riyadh Riyadh, March 3, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad arrived Thursday afternoon in Riyadh in a short visit to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Ben Abdulaziz and a number of princes and Saudi ministers as well senior army officers and national guards were in his reception at the airport in addition to the Syrian ambassador in Riyahd and Syrian embassy staff. S.Younes
<URL: President Assad Holds Meetings in Saudi Arbia Riyadh, March 3, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad held on Thursday three meetings with Saudi Crown Prince Abdulla Ben Abdulaziz one of them bilateral. During his current visit to Saudi Arabia, President Assad’s first meeting with Saudi Crown Prince was attended by Foreign Minister Farouq al-Shara and Syria’s ambassador in Riyadh. The Saudi Crown Prince held a launch banquette to honor President Assad and later they started a wide meeting that joined Foreign Minister and his Saudi counterpart prince Soud al-Faysal as well Deputy Emir of Riyadh region Sattam Ben Abdulaziz and Saudi Minister of culture and information Iyad Madani. The Bilateral meeting came later on to join both the President and Saudi Crown Prince. S. Younes.