03/01/2006 |
Dying 18 in the hands of the police
In the early morning of September 24th, 2005, Federico Aldrovandi, an
18-years-old boy, died in the hands of the police in Ferrara, Italy.
They left him for five hours on the ground, initially hiding the truth
to his mother, who had called them to inquire about him. The police
version reports phone calls from people of the neighbourhood, alarmed by
the odd behaviour of the boy, who allegedly fainted when arrested.
Nobody can say what actually happened. The police deny every
responsibility for his death, maintaining that he hurt himself and died
due to drugs overdose. According to toxicological exams, overdose cannot
possibly have been the reason for Federico Aldrovandi's death. Four
months after that incident, details as described by medical referees
have not been 'officialised' yet, although they mention numerous
signs of violence over his whole body, a bruised laceration on his head,
violet coloured stripes by handcuffs on his wrists, and his scrotum smashed.
Federico's mother told that she got her son's clothes literally soaked
with blood.
The news has remained unknown for months. Only recently has the silence
been broken by a blog opened by the boy's family, who is asking that
light be thrown on the event.
The plaintiffs' experts' report proved that Federico died of postural
asphyxia: he had been actually handcuffed and forced on his stomach and
at least one person had exerted pressure on his back. The Public
Prosecution coroner's necropsy has now been registered, although the
prosecutor had asked the registration to be postponed by 30 more days in
order to repeat the toxicological analyses. Details have not been made
public yet, but the results of the prosecution's exams are different
from those revealed by the plaintiffs' experts. Wishing to react to the
attempts to hide the truth, Federico's mother has published her son's
photo shot after the beating, a photo which is very harsh and revealing.
13/12/2005 |
People win back the valley
On Wednesday night 2005, December 12, the Venaus defence was cleared by the police. Between 3 and 4 a.m. the cops violently rushed against the demonstrators who were blocking the opening of the TAV yard. Several people have been injured, some of them have been bloodily hit. The italian minister of the Interior, Pisanu, has warned everybody that in the Valley of Susa there were 'subversive groups': probably he was referring to the thousand cops who attacked and clubbed two-hundred sleeping people. Media and politics have started at once to blather on 'clashes and brawls', but this was a premeditated aggression against harmless people who could not run away. This provocation has had the opposite effect, though, and protests are spreading all over.
The inhabitants of the valley are receiving support from Turin and from every part of Italy, not only through demonstrations in several cities, but also with the stream of tens of thousands of people giving rise on Thursday morning to a massive, extraordinary demonstration in Venaus. The demonstrators, determined to win back the defence cleared by the State violence forces, have surrounded the yard, dismantled its structures and erected barricades in order to face the police properly.
On the 30th November, CMC, the former left-wing cooperative having specialized in environmental distruction in the Tuscan region of Mugello, started occupying the fields of Venaus, in the Piedmontese Alps, in order to open the yard for a 10 km tunnel, the first step in the contruction of the high-velocity railway called TAV.
On the 29th June and on the 6th-7th October blocks by the people of the valley prevented the CMC technicians, escorted by police forces of alla sorts, from carrying out the seizure. In the face of the umpteenth challenge by the great infrastructure lobby (among its members there is also the Italian minister for infrastructures, Lunardi), the Valsusa population has got ready to resist. Now all people who care for environment and for the defense against capitalist greed, all people determined to win back their lives seized by the EU, and by the Italian state and regions, express solidarity and follow attentively the Valsusa battle.
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21/07/2004 |
Police on trial about Diaz school raid
Three years after Genoa G8, the only big court case going on is the one
seeing 25 activists accused of devastation and looting of Genoa.
On june 26th 2004, the judge will decide if a new court case is to be
started: this trial will see 29 police head officiers accused of the
Diaz school raid on the night of july 21st, 2001.
The full accusation is false testimony, false declarations and abuse of
their offices, meaning that they faked evidences and declarations to make
the raid happen, while they had no evidence proving the need to such a
big and violent operation without any official warrant.
The Diaz school raid resulted in the destruction and seizing of a lot of
material from both media and legal group whose offices where set in the
Pascoli school, and in the brutal beating and arrest of 93 people, whose
accusation proved to be completely false after a few months.
In these three years of enquiries tens of lies, fake evidences and
framings of activists emerged, even if this truth did not prevent most of
the policemen involved to continue a brilliant career.
Nonetheless now the court case is about to start. And the legal team
launched a call-out to ask people to sue the state for that saturday
night events.
Three years have passed from those days. Indymedia italy has not
forgotten what they were and meant.
And you?
Europe behind Bars |
11/01/2004 |
Europe behind Bars
FOR WHOM THE ALARM RINGS? [italian version]
Two burning garbage bins, near the house of Romano Prodi, caused by explosions of two handcrafted pots bombs responsability for which was claimed in a letter sent to the Bologna redaction of "La Repubblica" and signed in the name of "Informal Anarchic Federation" ( "Federazione Anarchica Informale"). That name comes up for the first time and is a novelty when it comes to previously known cases of explosive packages.
>>> read more >>>
15/07/2003 |
Campaign against Coca Cola
On the 22 JULY 2003 a boycott campaign against Coca-Cola initiated by the Colombian Union SINALTRAINAL will officially begin. SinalTrainal organize workers employed by Coke Columbia and also those of the Nestlè. Last year the union has took action in the Court of Atlanta demanding an official indictment against Coke, accusing them of crimes against humanity for their involvement in the repression of workers by the paramilitaries. In the last few years paramilitaries have killed ten men and kidnapped and totured dozens of unionists.
On the 31st of March 2003 the judge of the Federal Court of Atlanta, Josè E. Martinez, decided that the penal procedure for the violation of the human rights can proceed. The union has decided to begin a world-wide boycott campaign parallel.
Rally: Rome - London - Melbourn
More info: english - italian - killercoke - anti-coke-links
Photo: [ 1 - 2 ]
18/04/2003 |
El guardia Nucera y su chaleco
El 16 de abril se tuvo el incidente probatorio sobre el chaleco
antibalas del agente Nucera. ¿Recordais? Nucera sostuvo haber sido
acuchillado en el colegio Diaz: un golpe solo dado muy rapidamente,
declaró. Pero muy pronto los magistrados tuvieron la razonable duda que
mintiera y que se trataba de otro falso hecho sobre medida: los peritos de
los cc afirman que los cortes en el chaleco no coinciden con su cuento.
Después de recibir un aviso de inculpación por falso, frente a los jueces el
agente Nucera se vale del derecho de no responder. Luego habla y cambia su
version: los cuchillazos, dice, fueron dos. El gip decide una segunda
pericia, que supervisará el perito Torre (el mismo que elaboro' la teoria de
la piedra asesina de piazza Alimonda) Y sorpresa: los resultados son
compatibles con la segunda narración de Nucera.
19/04/2003 |
Le general qui était au G8 aujourd'hui à comander les para en Iraq
Le 17 avril, le juge prendra une décision sur la demande de classer en légitime défense le procès contre Mario Placanica. Mario Placanica est le carabinier (les « carabinieri » sont une branche italienne des militaires) qui a été accusé du meurtre de Carlo Giuliani. La demande d'archiver le cas a été déposée par le ministre public Silvio Franz le 2 décembre 2002, et déjà reportée au 18 février; clôturer le procès arrêterait non seulement la recherche au sujet de la mort de Carlo Giuliani, mais également nettoierait toutes les responsabilités de ceux qui étaient responsables de la sécurité de la Piazza Alimonda et de ceux qui ont organisé et ont supervisé la situation.
D'ailleurs, la fermeture du procès au sujet de Piazza Alimonda deviendrait le plus probablement un précédent pour toutes les autres procédures actuellement ouvertes au sujet de Gênes.
En attendant, 3000 soldats travailleront en Irak ainsi que les troupes de métier (400 comprenant les parachutistes du Tuscania - un bataillon d'armée italienne), dont le carabinier de la deuxième brigade mobile, le Général Leso.
Le Général Leso est le commandant des Balkans qui a été décoré par Bush et qui menait les troupes spéciales des carabiniers pendant le G8 à Gênes.
Leso est également candidat pour mener la police internationale en Irak et il sera aux ordres du général du général américain Jay Garner. L'autre option serait de lui confier le contingent italien.
Si doué à Gênes, qui aura décidé de l'envoyer en Irak ?
18/04/2003 |
El general del G8 mandará los paracaidistas en Iraq
EL 17 de abril los "gip" van a pedir de archivar para legitima defensa el caso de Mario Placanica, el
agente acusado del asesinio de Carlo Giuliani. La autorización fue ya pedida
por el pm Silvio Franz el 2 de diciembre de 2002 y fue renviada el 18 de
febrero. El sobreseimiento no cierarria solo la investigación sobre el
asesinio de Carlo Giuliani, sino borraria todas las responsibilidades de
quien se ocupó del orden publico en piazza Alimonda y de quien condujo la situación désde los palacio del poder. Con mucha probabilidad,
la archivación de Piazza Alimonda riesgaria convertirse en piedra de
parangon para todas las investigaciones en curso sobre Genova. Mientras
tanto 3000 militares van a ser enviados en Iraq en apoyo a las tropas de
ocupación: partiran también los supercarabineros (guardias civiles) de la
segunda brigada movil (incluyendo los Para' del Tuscania), mandados por el
general Leso, el jefe balcanico condecorado por Bush, que mando' las tropas
especiales de los Cc durante los hechos del g8 de Genova. Leso quisiera
alcanzar el mando del contingente intero de policia internacional en Iraq y
seria responsable directamente solo al gobernador estadounidense Jay Garner.
De otra manera estaria listo para él el mando de la mision italiana. Tan
exito en genova que lo envian a Iraq?
mas informaciones indymedia italia || pillolarossa
18/04/2003 |
Te acuerdas de Genova?
Hace dos años que acaeció la masacre policial en Genova y las
investigaciones van terminando. Estamos al final de la investigación sobre
Piazza Alimonda y los ministerios publicos (fiscal, acusador) que
investigaron sobre la muerte de Carlo Giuliani van a deponer sus
conclusiones el 17 de abril. También las investigaciones sobre la masacre en
Via Tolemaide y en el colegio Diaz se están concluyendo. Las cumbres de la
policia italiana mentieron o fueron reticentes frente al Parlamento y a la
Fiscalia de Genova, como muestran los actos de las interpelaciones devueltas
a los jueces.Todavia, muchas palizas por las calles de la ciudad van a ser
archivados por la imposibilidad de identificar los responsables: faltan
videos, fotos, testigos. El Genova Legal Forum presentó un documento para
lograr materiales ineditos, que ayudasen aclarar los hechos y a defender las
personas que ivan a ser juzgadas. Además del trabajo de los abogados es
necesario que se activen todas las redes de información para que se haga una
interpelación 'desde abajo', para evitar que esta Genova se cierre de este
manera y que Genova no se repita.
contacta inchiesta-g8.
en ingles, general update || multilanguage banner + llamada legal
TUEURS [fr] |
17/03/2003 |
Cette nuit (16-17 mars) à Milan, dans la zone des Navigli rue Brioschi, 3 compagnies du centre social O.R.So ont été agressés par un petit groupe de fascistes avec des couteaux. A la fin l'un du groupe du centre social est resté à terre, et est mort en quelques minutes, blessé à la gorge au ventre. Après certains se sont spontanément réunis à l'hôpital San Paolo de Milan pour une manifestation de solidarité. La police et les carabinieri (la police militaire) ont immédiatement réagi en chargeant violemment les manifestants et en arrêtant certains d'entre eux.
Moins d'une heure après le meurtre, la machine de désinformation était en route : l'ANSA (l'agence de nouvelles italienne la plus importante) a indiqué que « des affrontements entres des jeunes de groupes dissidents avait eu lieu à Milan", cherchant de faire apparaître une agression de la part de fascistes suivie d'une violente répression de la police pour une « mauvaise soirée » entre « les habituels » violents no-global.
Nous répétons au contraire qu'il s'agit bien d'une réelle agression de sang froid, qui a coûté la vie à un jeune homme. Et nous confirmons que la police et les carabinieri ont protégé les fascistes, se défoulant même avec des barres de fer et des battes de base ball (comme le rapportent des témoins directs) dans les couloirs de l'hôpital contre les personnes venues démontrer leur solidarité
17/03/2003 |
Militants assaulted in Milan by fascists, 1 killed
Tonight in via Brioschi, near the Navigli area (Milan) a small group of fascists deliberate attacked three militants with knives. One of the three, hit at the throat and chest, fell down on the ground and died in a few minutes. Afterwards some people spontaneously gathered at the S. Paolo Hospital for a demonstration. The police and carabinieri (the military police) reacted charging violently the demostrators and arresting some of them.
Less than a hour after the murdering, the disinformation machine was up and running: the ANSA (the most important italian news agency) said "a riot between young dissidents groups had taken place in Milan". The evident aim of the newsblast was to turn the fascist aggression and the violent police repression at the office into the 'typical bad evening caused by noglobal violence'.
We are here to repeat that instead of 'riot' we can clearly talk about 'deliberate aggression', an assault which costed the life of a young man. And we confirm that the police and carabinieri protected the fascists and covered up the facts, charging with tonfas and baseball bats (as reported by direct witnesses) the people demonstrating their solidarity outside the hospital.
17/03/2003 |
Agresiòn fascista en la noche de hoy, un muerto
En la noche entre el 16 y el 17 de marzo en Milano,
en una zona central de la ciudad (Zona Navigli, Via Brioschi 3),
tres companeros fueron victimas de una agresiòn realizada por unos nazis,
a la salida de un boliche. Las cuchilladas de los agresores fascisats mataron
a uno de los companeros. Luego unos companeros llegaron, para
garantizar una presencia antes los hechos de muerte ocurridos,
al Hospital San Pablo, donde habìan sido trasladados el companero muerto y los otros
dos heridos.
Justo afuera y en el interior del Hospital la policìa realizò una intervenciòn reviolenta, que terminò con otros companeros heridos y unos detenidos, luego dejados en libertad.
La versiòn de los medios oficiales y de las agencias de prensa cuenta de un enfrentamiento alrededor de la zona del boliche, y ya se olvida de la palabra "agresiòn fascista",
volviendo a proponer el tema clasico de la noche violenta entre jovenes de opuestas facciones politicas. Como si fuera algo que tenga que pasar con esos "noglobal violentos".
Unos testimonios, salidos del hospital y que sufrieron
la represiòn policial violenta y los golpes de los agentes,
hablaron de palos de hierro y de cachiporras utilizadas
por las fuerzas policiales contra los companneros reunidos
para exprimir solidariedad y manifestar su rechazo
a la agresiòn fascista.
08/01/2003 |
Genova: école Diaz
En inventant une grêle de pierre inexistante et sous le prétexte d'un poignard également inventé, ils ont justifié le massacre de 61 personnes, après leur avoir fendu les rates, les têtes et les os, sans pitié. Ils ont manipulé les preuves, comme le cocktail Molotov, afin d'arrêter 93 innocents. Ce que pendant une année et demi a été dénoncé par un grand nombre de témoins est maintenant confirmé par des preuves officielles.
D'après les procès verbaux rendus publiques par le magistrat, les policiers impliqués dans le massacre et interrogés, admettent naïvement, en parlant au
sujet des légèretés, forcements, excès et erreurs, en se "renvoyant la balle" pour ramener toutes les responsabilités à l'equipe mobile de Vincenzo Cantarini, alors que sur l'arrière plan on peut apercevoir, rampante, l'ombre de Valerio Donnini, super-chef de la « Celere » et du group spécial d'anti-émeute.
La masacre policial en la escuela Diaz |
08/01/2003 |
La masacre policial en la escuela Diaz: una insostenible ligereza
Con el pretexto de una pedrada imaginaria, y con la excusa de un
cuchillazo igualmente inexistente, justificaron la masacre de 61
personas, masacrando bazos, cabezas y huesos, sin piedad.
Manipularon las pruebas, como los falsos c363cteles molotov,
para justificar la detenci363n de 93 inocentes
hoy arriesgan la despedida de la polic355a.
Lo que hace desde hace un a361o y medio est341 siendo
denunciado por muchisimos
testigos, ahora emerge tambi351n en los datos oficiales.
De los interrogatorios conducidos por los fiscales de Genova, salieron a la
luz las responsabilidades de los superpolicias
implicados en la masacre, que candorosamente las admiten, hablan de
forzamientos, abusos de poder y errores, en una asunci363n de
descargadas encaminada a hacer recaer toda la responsabilidad de los hechos
372nicamente a la
"unidad m363vil" de la polic355a de Roma de Vincenzo Canterini.
Mientras que en el horizonte se entrevee, rastrera, la sombra de Valerio
jefe de la polic355a de intervenci363n r341pida y de la unidad especial de