Deportazione Islanda-Italia, richiesta di supporto

riceviamo e diffondiamo

Il luglio scorso Paul Ramses, cittadino keniota, é stato deportato dall'Islanda all'Italia perché la sua richiesta di asilo politico é stata rifiutata. Paul era arrivato in Islanda dal Kenia fermandosi in Italia.

Le autoritá islandesi dicono che lo stato che rilascia il visto, che da modo al rifugiato di muoversi in un altro paese, é il primo dove la persona si ferma, quindi nel caso di Paul é stato l'Italia e lui non é potuto rimanere in Islanda.

Ma Paul vive in Islanda dal 2005, ha amici e soprattutto sua moglie e suo figlio di poche settimane. Alcuni di noi sono in contatto con la moglie di Paul, sappiamo che lui al momento é a Roma al Centro Enea, la moglie puó parlargli al telefono, lui sta bene ma é ovviamente molto stressato. Quando Paul é stato deportato alcuni attivisti sono corsi all'aeroporto, sono riusciti a bloccare la pista del decollo ma non ad annullare la partenza dell'aereo.

Questa domenica (10 agosto) stiamo organizzando un'iniziativa di supporto per Paul e per tutti i migranti, vorremmo provare a fare qualcosa simultaneamente all'Italia per mostrare solidarietá a Paul e a tutti i migranti. Se qualcuno di voi é in grado di organizzare un presidio (magari dove Paul é rinchiuso) o un qualsiasi tipo di iniziativa per favore contattatemi.

Paul Ramses é al Centro Enea via Boccea, 530 Roma

Questa é una lettera che Paul ha mandato qualche giorno fa:

I want to let you know how life is here in Italy. I have been to Immigration 4 times and turned away the reason is there are so many people that they have to attend to. I live almost 2 hours away from the immigration offices and I have to wake up at 5 am to be there by 7.30 am, one hour before they open, and this is late because you still find people who sleep outside the gate at immigration offices. there are people who have stayed here for years but they never get to be seen by the officials, I have been told told twice now that they take only the 1st 20 people or 30 per day, but this still they just give you a form to fill then you have to be given an appointment. if you are lucky and they take your report they give you 2 months to wait and they dont care what you do or where you go, eat or sleep, last time there were ove 30 people from north and west Africa who came here by the boats, they said no one cares about them, they were asked to give adresses before they can be attended, but now they have been here for 9 months some 14 months, one guy from Morroco has been here for 2 years he has been trying to registered but no luck for him. he later went to britain by a lorry and was deported back to italy after 4 months, there are also guys who make business by offering people lory drive to UK but you pay 4000 euros. in UK you sort yourself out. they finaly took my application on 28th, I was just helped by someone who spoke italian to go through. they told me to go back on 1st october to book an appointment, for the time being they have told me that they will move me to another centre. where we just have to come in at 5 pm and leave at 9 am, at this centre we get food, and soap, the majority of the guys are from AFGHANISTAN, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, KURDISTAN, LEBANON AND TOGO, there are also afew from Guinea conackry in west africa. it is very difficult to communicate, the arabs stay buy themselselves and when they are talking you can see their anger against America, one guy was very very angry and louded Osama bin laden, I was so afraid of this guy because I did not understand what he was saying or what he could do next. they have changed him to another centre. he was from Lebanon, one guy with a family also from Lebanon says openly that if he get a chance he can do bad things here he doesnt care. he shares the room with me, we are 6 in the room, and we are supposed to be 8, there are well over 300 people at the centre, in other centres we are only allowed to come in at 5 pm, and we have to leave by 9 am in the morning. one guy from Eritrea who was transfered in one centre said to me that that is the rule, they they dont care where you go during the day but you are not allowed in the rooms from 9 am in the morning. I asked him if they are given any money for lunch and he said no, they dont give any pocket moneys in Italy because there are so many people. there is one christian organisation like samhjalp in iceland where they provide free lunch, I was taken there on the first week to visit, and there was 2 queues that was stretching close to 100 yards, and still inside the dinning there were so many people waiting to eat and some were eating, the people were mixed, half africans and half arabic people, there were also people from Viet Nam and philipines, the whole world lives in Italy as refugees. its very diffucult to go anywhere without pocket money, and there are so many pick pockets, they stole my phone the 3 day in italy when we went first to immigration, Here you live by the grace of God. let me stop here but these conditions are so bad, if I am to take the normal procedure of waiting it would take me a long long time to get to have an interview, like now, after presenting the papers they told me to go and that all, they will see me on 1st october

its horrible

Ven, 08/08/2008 – 14:27
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