Post Tagged with: "Capitalism"


France – From Nuit Debout to Global Revolution Debout

Italian and french version RevolutionDeboutis founded on the initiative of individuals who participate in the work of NuitDebout. It is open to contributions from anyone who needs to tune to the ongoing transition towards a new society, as opposed to the present one. RevolutionDebout is composed of individuals that come from different experiences and it would be impossible to organise [...]

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Il capitalismo tecnologico rinuncia alla democrazia

Evgeny Morozov, da Internazionale Basta sfogliare un quotidiano per rendersi conto che il capitalismo democratico transatlantico, che è stato il motore dello sviluppo economico dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, sta vivendo un periodo difficile. Fame, povertà, disoccupazione giovanile, sostanze chimiche nell’acqua potabile, mancanza di alloggi a prezzi sostenibili: tutte questi problemi sono tornati d’attualità anche nei paesi più ricchi. La [...]

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The following inspirational statement deserves the widest possible circulation. It is from Greek conscripts in 50 units of the Armed Forces. The statement is notable for linking all the current horrors inflicted on workers everywhere to a single cause – the ongoing crisis of the capitalist system. In this crisis, which demands sacrifices in lost and ruined lives, all workers, [...]

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AAA next Emerson vendesi… – Next Emerson ON SEASON SALES…

A forced smile, pointy shoes, blue blazer, white shirt (sweat spotted already). That’s how we imagine Mr. Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence, at the international real estate fair in Munich. With his sheaf of papers and photos, he’s trying to place theaters, historic buildings, former industrial sites and other decommissioned areas in Florence in some rich investor’s portfolio. It a [...]

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