Post Tagged with: "profit"


Racism: a weapon of exploiters

” it’s not the race that separates us but social class, your enemy is not the immigrant but the capital ” Italian version here Racism, specifically intended as the ideology that assumes the existence of “superior” and “inferior” races, is now like an old tool limited to small circles of neo-Nazi fanatics. However, the emerging throughout Europe of right-wing extremist [...]

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AAA next Emerson vendesi… – Next Emerson ON SEASON SALES…

A forced smile, pointy shoes, blue blazer, white shirt (sweat spotted already). That’s how we imagine Mr. Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence, at the international real estate fair in Munich. With his sheaf of papers and photos, he’s trying to place theaters, historic buildings, former industrial sites and other decommissioned areas in Florence in some rich investor’s portfolio. It a [...]

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L’ultimo brindisi: sulle “illusioni” dei nuovi giacimenti di petrolio

Si è ripetuta spesso, negli ultimi anni, una circostanza che ormai non dovrebbe più stupire nessuno: all’ indomani del ritrovamento di un giacimento petrolifero di una qualche consistenza i giornali pubblicano annunci trionfalistici. Questa volta è il turno dell’Artico e a dare la notizia è Il Sole 24 Ore. A leggere quanto pubblicato c’è effettivamente da pensare: ben 1 miliardo [...]

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Barak Obama

Obama, president of the Profit Stars and Stripes

The political representative protecting Apple’s interests, while chairing the board of the wider business community representing the American bourgeoisie, Obama, has sided ‘rightly’ in favour of the economic interests of the ruling class. Mr. President has canceled Samsung’s legal victory over Apple, thus allowing the company Cupertino to continue to nibble away at hours and hours of surplus value by [...]

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