Post Tagged with: "Workers"


The Global Race to the Bottom

The acute hardship European workers are facing is part of an international process of impoverishment. by Lucia Pradella, Jacobin A construction worker in Catalonia, Spain. Sergi Bernal / Flickr Unemployment has reached unprecedented heights in Western Europe, wages are declining, and attacks on organized labor are intensifying. Nearly a quarter of Western Europe’s population, about 92 million people, was at risk [...]

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For a Europe-wide coordination in the Transport-Logistics sector

In the last decades the concentration process advanced in the transport sector, with the establishment of logistic centres in belts around cities, with hundreds of thousand workers in each major country. In Europe there are more than 10 million workers overall in this sector, of which 5.7 million in land transport, 2.8 million in warehousing and logistics, and 1.75 million [...]

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Germania – Blockupy incontra gli strikers di Amazon davanti ai cancelli

di HAGEN KOPP (di No Troika Rhine-Main) Una versione più breve di questo report, in tedesco, è stata pubblicata sul blog No Troika. → EN Il 18 dicembre del 2014 una piccola delegazione di Blockupy ha incontrato i lavoratori di Amazon in sciopero a Bad Hersfeld, una delle sei filiali del grande distributore in Germania, colpito dallo sciopero di oltre 2300 dipendenti. [...]

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The double face of Eataly: they eat, we work

The story of Eataly begins in 2007 with the opening of the first store in Turin (Italy), which was interestingly enough built on an old factory site. This new project of ‘artisan food production at reasonable prices’, led by Oscar Farinetti, the former CEO and President of the Italian colossus of electronics retailers UniEuro, has very quickly extended its tentacles [...]

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U.S.A – Lavoratori dei fast-food in sciopero per rivendicare aumenti salariali. Centinaia di arresti

In circa 150 città statunitensi, giovedì 4 settembre, migliaia di lavoratrici e lavoratori dei fast food hanno incrociato le braccia per rivendicare aumenti salariali ed il diritto all’associazione sindacale. Si tratta della settima giornata di protesta organizzata a partire dal novembre 2012, che segna l’inizio di questo movimento che non accenna a fermarsi, anzi: ogni data di mobilitazione ha visto [...]

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The national campaign against IKEA in Italy

‘An injury to one is an injury to all’ ‘Take a traditional strike where you wave your flag, or climb a roof in protest… you can spend your entire life there, nothing will change. No more hunger strikes! It is time for the employer to starve! As for us, we suffer enough every day in the work place.
This is not [...]

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International mobilization against IKEA to reinstate 24 fired workers in Piacenza (Italy)

On Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th July 2014, rallies have been organized outside 13 IKEA stores all over Italy. Workers and supporters were there in solidarity with workers at the central warehouse in Piacenza: 24 of them were fired by the IKEA subcontracting company they work for because of their unionization and the struggles they have been conducting since 2012 [...]

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Sul movimento sindacale Usa

Cenni storici ed attualità tra scioperi, forme organizzative e relazioni con partiti e movimenti. Intervista con Charlie Post, insegnante alla City University of New York e attivista con grossa esperienza sindacale.  E’ autore del libro “American Road to Capitalism: Studies in Class-Structure, Economic Development and Political Conflict, 1620-1877”  ( La lunga intervista, che riportiamo con grossi tagli per facilitarne la [...]

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